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Alyson POV

"Hey Aly, look who's coming your way" Jenna whispers pointing behind me. I turn around and the most beautiful creature coming my way. Jason Parker, I thought. I quickly turn to look at Jenna for help but it was too late I could already feel his presence next to me.

"Alyson, right?" he says. The way he said my name made me melt in the inside. He grabbed a chair from another table then sat next to me. Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes on him then they were on me. So much for hating attention, I thought.

"Y-yes" I stutter. Why are you stuttering, stop stuttering! I thought. Everyone went silent, so silent that I could hear a pin drop.

"My name is Jason" he says introducing himself which I don't know why since the whole school knows him.

I was too in shock that I couldn't speak. I lost my voice !

"Come with me" he said getting up from his chair and walking out the cafeteria. I looked at Jenna with a confused look but all I could get out of her expression was confusion too. I got up from my seat and followed him I don't even know why I listened to him but my legs were moving by themselves. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Now I could feel my face redder than ever.

He walks through the hall and turns left. I hurried before I lose sight of him. I was going to turn left when I felt someone get a hold of my hand and knocking my back against the lockers. i could tell it was Jason because of the cologne that he wears, I could literally smell him my whole life, I'm so weird.

I look up and see Jason is looking down at me. I could feel his breath fan me. My heart beat is raising, I bet he could hear it too.

"You know...those beautiful dark brown eyes of yours drive me crazy" he whispers in my ear. I could feel my cheeks blush; wait no they're not blushing their heating up like hell. He moved up and our eyes met then he got closer and closer, his hands were on my waist making me feel vulnerable to him. If the lockers weren't behind me i would have fallen already. Before i knew what was happening his lips were on mine. I didn't want this moment to end but I knew that he wouldn't even look twice at me if it weren't for a reason.

His lips moving with mine made butterflies fly all over my stomach. One of his hands were still on my waist and the other hand was in my cheek. He moved down to my neck making me weaker than I already was, I heard him make a small chuckle. I knew I should stop this.

"What do you want?" i say but it sounded mostly like a whisper. He looked at me, his hands were still on my waist but sliding more under my shirt.

"Let me take you on a date?" he asked.

"A date?" I ask confused. I thought he didn't do dates, he mostly fucked the girl and that's it. Well that's what I heard.

"Yeah" he replied

I really wanted to say yes but i didn't want him to think that I was like those other girls that are easy to get.

"Sorry I don't do dates with fuckboys" I say. He looked suprised but a grin quickly formed on his face.

"Oh so you're a hard-to-get type of girl" he said grinning "I'll take the challenge" he added

"It's going to take a lot more than this to make me go out with you" I state pushing him away from me, once i did that i ached for him to be close to me again.


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