Who Would of Thought

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Alyson POV

Great! Now I'm walking home because Mr. Fuckboy decided to just ditch me. I'm so mad right now. He could of at least given me a lift home. I don't even know what girls look in him he doesn't have any manners.

I kept walking there was a 'STOP' sign right around the corner. I felt like if someone was following me I didn't want to take any risks so I picked up my pace. I turned left from where the 'STOP' sign was. I could see my house and there was car that wasn't my mom's. It's no other than Tyson's car.

I walk around the car to get to the front door. I knock knowing that Tyson is there but the question is. Why is he here? I could hear footsteps approaching. Tyson slides open the door with a smile planted on his face but disappears when he saw me.

"Wow I never thought I looked that disgusting" I say walking in and Tyson is still standing there with the door open.

"Are you going to close that?" I ask

"Oh yeah sorry" he says and closes the door

"Were you expecting someone else?" I ask because he actually looked like he was.

"No why?" he asked.

"You sure" I ask looking to see if his eye is twitching. One thing that I have known is that Tyson is a good liar but there is one thing that gives it away, the twitching. His eyes twitches when he lies. One time he dropped one of my dads mugs and he said he didn't do it and I noticed he twitched.

"Yeah I am" he says

"Mmh" I approach him to see his eyes and there it is the twitching.

"Liar" I say

"I'm not lying" he insists "Besides I thought that you were going on a date with Jason" he tries to change the subject.

"That is none of you business" I shot back

"Wait did he ditch you? He did didn't he" he starts to laugh "Oh I'm going to thank him later" he says

"Shut up now don't think I don't know what you are doing now tell me who were you expecting?" I ask thinking of who it could be.

"A girl? Nah who would want to be with him?" I laugh even the thought of a girl coming to see Tyson is hilarious.

"Hey I'm right here!" he says

"A guy?" I gasp "Are you gay?" I joke. I head to the kitchen to grab Nutella and some strawberries then I place them in the counter.

"Not funny" he says

"Who were you waiting for then?" I ask but then I see that he was looking at his phone which was right beside me. He looks at me with the 'you grab that and I'm going to kill you' but I grabbed it anyways.

"Look what we have here?" I say grabbing his phone

"Stop" he warns but why would I listen to him.

"Oh look someone send you a message and it's from 'J' with heart emojis? Who is that?" I ask looking at the message I think it's a girl by all the heart emojis he had in the name.

"I'll be there in 5" I read the text out loud. "You invited her over how sweet now I get to see who it is" I say excitedly.

"No one is co-" he gets cut off by a knock. We look at each other for a while and went racing to the door. Luckily I got to the door first. I slide the door open surprised of what my eyes are seeing.

"Jenna?" I ask confused. She told me that she was going to stay for dinner with her parents.

"A-Aly!" she says in a high pitched voice. She only did that when she got caught or has done something.

"What are you doing here? I thought that you were going to hang out with Jason" she says nervously.

"I should ask you the same thing" I say crossing my arms over my chest

"Well uh- you see I-" she stuttered and another sign that she was the girl that Tyson was waiting for.

"So it was Jenna the girl you were expecting to see?" I ask turning to see Tyson

"Maybe..." he trails off. He looks everywhere but me which made it obvious that I was right. I slide my arms to my side to just calm myself down.

"What for?" I ask glaring at both of them. There was just one thing that kept floating in my head and that is that they are probably dating but it can't be there must be another explanation for this, I hope.

"Why are both of you at my house when i'm not here?" I ask looking at Jenna to give me an answer.

There was silence for a moment until Jenna spoke.

"Well we have..." she started "Been hanging out more that usual..."she trails off looking at Tyson to say something.

"We...are dating" he finally said. I wish it wasn't true. I know that I should be happy for them but I just can't. I know that when you date friends it's like over for them and believe me I know this from experience it didn't turn out so well.

"Woah wait what?" I say

"We are da-" I cut Tyson off

"I know what you said it's just like what?" I say

"How long have y'all been keeping this from me?" I ask

"About... uh two months..." Jenna says in a whisper because she knows I hate when people keep things from me.

"Two months?" I ask. "Y'all had two whole months to tell me and you tell me now" I say irritated.

Nobody said anything.

"I'm done" I say going inside and Tyson closing the door once Jenna got in.

"What do you mean?" Tyson asks

"If you ever break Jenna's heart or if I even see a tear falling down her cheek because of you, you will wish that you never even existed" I warn

"The same goes for you Jenna" I say turning my attention to Jenna that was beside Tyson.

"Kay we go it" they nodded

I really hope they did.


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