First Unexpected Date

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Alyson POV

School finally ended, I'm waiting for Tyson and Jenna at the parking lot to give me a lift. I take my phone out and checked my notifications. I would like to have any distraction than to think about what had happened today.

"I didn't like the way you left me behind babygirl" a familiar voice says behind me. I turn around and see Jason. A smile spread across my face, I was really glad to see him for some weird reason.

"Is that a smile I see?" he asks "You're happy to see me love" he adds with that smirk that melts me. I try to keep an annoyed face when I see him but it's too challenging when he's standing right in front of me watching my every move.

"No" I lie , I turn so he doesn't see my smile

"Don't deny it" he says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I liked it when he did that "I can make you even happier in my bed" he whispers in my ear.

"Never in my whole life will I ever be in bed with you who knows what disease you might have" I say pulling away from his grip.

"Yeah sure later on you will be asking for more like all the others" he smirks

"Who says I was like them?" I say and at the corner of my eye I could see Ethan approaching us. I wanted to make him go away but I couldn't think of anything. Then out of nowhere I pull Jason to me and kissed him. He seemed surprised at first but then he just went on with it. He placed his hands on my waist again and pulled  me closer to him. I place my hands around his neck. I open my eyes slightly and see Ethan walking away. I wish I didn't have to pull away but I had to.

"Don't think I didn't know why you did it?" he says dropping his hands to his sides

"What do you mean?" I ask while I put a strand of hair over my ear.

"Who was that guy?" he asks confused

"Nobody" I reply. Looking around for Jenna and Tyson.

"Who is he?" he asked again looking at me dead in the eye.

"I told you already he's nobody" I say again

"Let me ask him then" he says. At first I thought he was joking until he truned around and called him out.

"Aye yo-oww" I cut him off by punching him in the arm.

"Shut it" I warn him

"To be a girl you really punch hard" he says rubbing the place where I punched him at.

"Try me at your own risk" I say

I turned to look for Tyson and Jenna. Then I spot them they were talking and I just waited for them. Jason was still beside me.

"Aye Aly!" Jenna waves giving me the 'get some' look

"Hey!" I wave back shaking my head

"Are we going to give you a lift or are you spending the afternoon with Jason?" Jenna asks standing in front of me giving me THE smirk.

Before I could open my mouth Tyson answered for me like he always does.

"She's coming with us" he says heading into the drivers seat. Now there he goes the most over-protective guy in history. I'm going to feel bad for his future girlfriend she's going to have to put up with him.

"Actually I have plans with Jason" I say smirking at Tyson's blank face.

"We do?" Jason asked confused for a second.

"Yes, now can we go?" I ask

"Sure" he says smiling and taking out his car keys

"But Aly- um....your parents will be worried" Tyson says making up any excuse to not make me go

"I'll just text my mom that I'll be hanging out with a friend" I say

"But-" Tyson begins but Jason cuts him off

"Ready?" Jason asks

"Yeah let's go" I reply and with that I follow Jason to his car.


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