"Bet ? Bet."

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Jason POV

"They lost man!" Raul says across the table.

"I know! You don't have to stuff it all in my face Raul!" I say. Covering my face with my hands.

Raul and I made a bet. If the Cowboys lost I'll have to get a girl to lose her virginity to me and I'll only have 3 months to do it. I think you figured it out, the Cowboys lost. Bummer. I won't have a problem since I can make any girl I want fall for me.

"Too bad you go for the Cowboys they suck ass !" my other friend, Zack, says laughing through his words.

"But I'm sure you won't have a problem since your popular with the girls" Raul says taking a bite from his sandwich.

"I'll do it, you know I never back down from a bet" I say getting the apple from my tray and taking a bite from it.

"Yeah I know" he replies

A while later we get our trays and took them to the trash. Raul had to pick the girl for me to deflower, just in case you didn't know.

"Ok so who is it ?" I ask Raul.

"Mmm...Alyson Lopez" he says pointing in her direction. I follow where he's pointing at across the cafeteria towards the corner.

"Her?" I ask. She was the one that is sitting next to me in Math, she was really nervous when I asked for that pencil but I can't blame her I make girls nervous.

"Yes my friend, she is the last virgin in this school!" he says throwing his plate away.

"I'll get her easily, I've basically fucked every girl in this school" I say throwing my plate away after Raul. "What makes you think I can't get her ?" Then I see Susan coming when I was about to go to Alyson's table.

Susan is the captain of the cheer leading squad. She thinks we're in a 'relationship' because I come to her when I feel like I need some fun and because she has been saying that we are a 'couple'. To me she is nothing but a slut, everyone knows that she has fucked every guy in the soccer and football team.

"Hey, baby" she says putting her arms around my neck and giving me a kiss. She really disgusts me with all that make up that she wears, sometimes I even confuse her with a clown.

"Hey" I reply trying to back away from her grip.

"So wanna come over after school?" she whispers in my ear

"Sorry I'll have to pass this time" I say unhooking her arms from my neck. She looked mad, and confused. Then she just walked over to the soccer team table and started flirting with the guys, now you see what I mean she is a slut no doubt about that.

I walk over to Alyson's table and go through what I have to do but I can't do it in front of the school. I don't like letting the whole world know about my hook ups but somehow every one ends up knowing about it. It sometimes makes me feel like I'm being watched, it gives me the creeps.

I have a few steps that help me out and get any girl I want and not once has it failed. Now let me tell you the way I get any girl I want.

First: I introduce myself, the first one is easy everybody knows me but you know still gotta be a gentle man.

Second: I flirt with them to make it look like I'm interested in them , act all romantic.

Third: I ask them out on a date or come over I mean not one girl has rejected the offer some took more time then others but they still fall anyway.

Fourth: I take them to my place, and well you know what happens.

Fifth: I ditch them once I got what I wanted because you know gotta jump to the next one.

Now that ladies and gentlemen is how I get and ditch a girl and it works every time. Although they keep asking for more, I would rather get another girl to give me something new.


Hello! . Any who thank you for reading this book i hope that you are liking it so far because i've been working really hard on this book Comment and vote :)

Lots of love, xSaddTeenx

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