Unfinished Business

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Jason POV

I wake up in my bed the smell of bacon with eggs made my stomach start grumbling. I jump out of my bed following the smell of breakfast. I go downstairs and see my mom in the kitchen.She turned around and smiled at me. She was so beautiful, then I hear someone knock and that's when my life got ruined.

"Alex could you open that for me?" she asks

"Ok" I reply

I go over to the door, I turn the knob and slid the door open. My father was there, behind him were two men with black suits and dark sunglasses.

"M-mom?" I ask not turning my sight away from my father and the two men. My mom approaches with a towel in her hands.

"Who is it honey?" She looks up and her eyes widen.

"No" is all that she says. She grabs my hand dragging me away from the door.

"I'm sorry" my father says then the two men approach.

"Stay away!" she screams tears running down her cheeks. I see my mom gripping my hand.

"Give us the kid or we'll have to take matters into our own hands" one of the men says and not in a good way.

"Why are you doing this?! I thought that you would of kept it a secret!" she screams to my father. A secret? What secret? What were they talking about?

"I'm sorry" is all that he says

"We don't have time for this give us the kid!" the other man screams taking out a gun. I saw the gun and got scared I didn't want them to hurt her.

"No don't!" I scream standing in front of her losing the grip she had in me.

"Alex..." she says going down to her knees to meet my height. She hugs me, but I didn't understand anything.

Then she whispered "Run Alex or they'll catch you"

"But I can't leave you" I whisper feeling tears running down my cheeks

"I'll be fine just run to the back door" she says "I'll find you but just don't let them get to you" she adds

"Promise me that you will come back" I say through tears but she hesitated for a moment and at that moment I knew that she won't but I tried to make myself believe that she will.

"Promise, go to your uncle's house he will know what to do" she says hugging me harder

"I love you mom" I say

"I...love you too" she says backing away and looking at me.

"Run" she says. I didn't hesitate I ran like if my life depended on it and it did. I went to the kitchen to get out the back door that was there.

"Ru-" my mom got cut off by a shot gun. I froze. I couldn't move. Every thing went in slow motion. I turn and see my mom in the floor close to a puddle of blood. I wished this was just a nightmare, but I knew it was reality. I had to keep going she wanted me to not get caught and that's what I'll do.

My uncles house wasn't far. I couldn't stop crying the only thing that was on my mind was my mom in the floor bleeding and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I kept running nonstop.

I get to my uncle's house. I was about to knock when I see the door was open. I open the door peaking my head in to see if anyone was there. There was nobody. I walk in, some pictures we're in the floor and some blood on the walls. I go to the living room and see my uncle in the floor. I run up to him he was covered in blood. I fall in my knees feeling more tears falling down.

"Uncle?" I feel my voice breaking


"Uncle!" I scream. They killed him, and my mom this was because of me they were trying to protect me from something.

I don't have anybody, I'm alone. My only family is dead because of me, if my da- no he's not my dad he is nothing to me. If he didn't bring them to our house my mom would still be alive. We would of been eating in the living room watching my favorite movies.

I need to find out what secret they were trying to keep. I'll find out one way or another. It'll reveal why they were after me. Don't worry mom they will pay for what they did to you and my uncle, and they'll wish they were never alive.

I was 9 years old when that happened and ever since that image of my mom and uncle have haunted me since. I was put in a foster home after that. I never trusted anyone ever again. I changed my name to Jason so that they could not find me by my real name. Everything changed after that I wasn't 'good boy' anymore.

When I was 15 a man told me that he knew what happened that day. He told me that the guys that killed my family were a gang, El Chueco. He said that if I joined his gang, Los Destinos that I will get my revenge. I joined the gang and ever since I've kept my school life and my personal life separate so that no one knew I was in a gang or even the reason why I did.


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