My Guardian Angel

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Jason POV

"Do you really think I'm that stupid?" He says

"What do you mean?" My heart starts racing. I don't want to look anxious because then that would give it away but its hard when someone is pointing a gun at the girl that you love. Yes, you heard me, I love Alyson. She made me see everything so much clearer.

"You think that you're the only one that can play dirty?" he asks "Well guess what, If you even try to do a trick on me ..." he says looking at Alyson and taking the bag off of her head. "I will kill her parents, not exactly me but i have some of my men over there and just by a few words they will get killed" he finishes.

My eyes widen, I am so full of anger. I'm trying to save Alyson but now I put her family in danger. I look over to Alyson, tears running down her face. i couldn't bare it.

"If you even lay a finger on my family, i will fucking kill you!" she screams through her tears.

I know what happens if she lost her family. I've been there and it changed me. I don't want that life for her. I don't want  her to think that revenge can fix you because it doesn't. Even if you get your revenge it won't bring them back it'll just make you feel guilty and that will eat her from the inside out.

"They don't have nothing to do with this!" I scream. I approach him but one of his guards stops me and pushes me back.

He didn't listen to me, instead he pointed to the packet with the gun and said, "The packet". He looked at one of his guards to get it from me and give it to him.

He opened the box and smiled. "It was good making a deal with you, but sadly I can't have any witnesses" he says.

"This was never part of the deal" I exclaim

"Life isn't fair sometimes, is it son?" he says and pointed the gun at Alyson's head. I didn't hesitate I went running to her, I couldn't lose someone so precious to me again.

Guards tried to stop me but I pushed and fought through them. I am so close to move the gun away from her but then something hit me. Everything quickly went dark. I hit the floor covering my chest. It hurt and I could feel that there was something wet, I could barely open my eyes, I look at my hands and they are red, dark red covering my hands. I could hear someone crying and screaming my name then gun shots.

There was a voice, a voice that I've heard before,it was just so familiar.

"Alex" she says. Then I remembered it's my mom's voice. I almost forgot how her voice sounded like.

"Mom?" I ask. It's been so long since I've heard her beautiful voice.

"Oh sweetie" she says, then I see her in a white long dress. She looked so beautiful my eyes filled with tears. She came closer and closer. I covered my face with my hands then I feel a warm hand touch my cheek and lift my head up.

"My beautiful boy" she smiles

"Mom I'm so sorry i failed you" I  say tears running down my face.

"You didn't fail me sweetie, I'm so proud of you" she says. Her voice so smooth like the one when she tucked me to bed and sang to me until I fell asleep.

"I missed you so much" I say.

"I missed you too" she hugs me and I hug her so tightly that I don't want to let go.

"So what has been going on with you?" she says back away and so do I

"It's been...terrifying" I say tears filling my eyes

She doesn't say anything she just hugs me tight.


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