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Alyson POV

Tyson came closer and closer, and the closer he got the more I wondered what he was going to do.

He grabbed my hand and went dragging me away from Jason. I look back to see Jason blank faced. Tyson made two lefts and one right which was the usual way I went to get to my next class. He bumped into other people to get out of the way. Then we stop in front to my class.

"Why did you do that?" I say panting to catch my breath.

"What?" he said "Take you to class so that you won't be late, no need to thank me" he says.

"You know what I mean?" I glare at him

"What?!" he says

"Could you please stop being over-protective?" I ask

"Why? So that I can see my best friend cry her eyes out because of a guy? Look how well it ended last time?" he says sarcastically.

"You don't need to remind me" I say

"I know but I can't let my guard down" his tone softened

"I'm not stupid" I say "You really think I will fall for the same game" I say. It got me so mad that he thinks that I have to have someone to look after me.

"No" he says looking down

"Then stop please" I plead "I can take care of myself I don't need someone to look after me" I say and finally get inside the classroom

I sit down at my desk and put my head down. I knew that Tyson only wanted me to not feel the same way as I did in the past. I really appreciated that he is always there for me but I don't need someone to be watching my back 24/7.

The bell rings I pick my head up to see my worst nightmare standing in front of the class. I felt like my heart was breaking all over again. All the bullshit that I had left in the past came back to me so fast that my chest hurt. I felt my eyes water, he looks at me making a sly smile. All I could do was go storming out of class. I went running to the restroom, I tried to not cry but I couldn't hold back the tears. I saw the restroom door just a few doors down. I got in and went in to a stall. I couldn't believe that he came back. What was he doing here? I thought he left to New York. I sat in the corner tears falling down my cheeks like a waterfall.

When I was in freshman year he was the most popular guy at school. I really liked him and I was stupid enough to think he liked me back. He asked me on a date and I said yes, I wish I could take that back. He took me to this really fancy restaurant we had great time we talked about just really random things, he actually seemed...human. After that he took me to his place to watch a movie. While we were watching the movie he turned to me and kissed me. The kiss became intense, it didn't feel right so I told him to stop and that we should take things slow.

A few months passed by and he became a bit distant he always said that he was busy, I didn't want to look needy so I left him alone. It was his birthday and I wanted to surprise him that night, I was willing to lose my virginity to him I really loved him. I had the key to his house so it was easy to get in. His parents were on vacation so they weren't there. He told me that he was going out with his buddies and that he was coming back at 9:00. I was going to wait for him in his room. When I opened the door I saw him in bed with some girl and not just any girl it was my best friend, Kimberly. Ethan didn't see me and neither did Kimberly. After that I missed school a few days and never talked to him ever again. He kept calling me and texting me but honestly I didn't want to talk to anyone I kinda isolated myself from everyone.

Months later I heard he was going to go move to New York, and that it was going to be 'permanent'. That was one of the best news I heard in my life.

I tried to calm down because I knew that at one point I had to go back to class. He played my feelings he made me feel like I was a mistake in this world. I was finally forgetting him. I was trying to have a life that I never had after I met him.

Ever since he left my life has gone back to normal. I loved how everything was going but now that he is back it's like i've gone back in time to that same girl years ago.

I went to the sink and saw my red puffy eyes. I washed my face and went back to class. Once I opened the door everyone was looking at me including Ethan. Yeah his name is Ethan Jefferson.

"Ms. Lopez are you alright, sweetie?" Mrs. Gorham asked concerned

"Yeah I just felt a bit sick" I say

"Do you want to go to the nurse?" she asked

"No it's fine" I reply

"Ok now take your seat" she says

I walk over to my desk. I could feel Ethan's eyes following me. He sat just two seats from me. I had to hold back the tears I couldn't look vulnerable to him. The whole class period  i didn't pay attention the only thing that was in my mind was how I was going to get through this.

The bell rang, I tried to not make eye contact with Ethan while I packed my things in my backpack.

"Hey" I hear a deep voice say I look up and see Ethan.

"Fuck off" I say through gritted teeth

"I know you hate me-" he says but I cut him off

"Damn right I do and would you mind if you just stay the fuck out of my life you've already done enough" I say and just brush him off. I bump into someone I was about to say 'Watch where you're going' but it was Tyson. He always waits for me walk together to our next class. He looked at Ethan and he didn't seem happy.

"What are YOU doing here?" he says walking up to him and grabbing him from his shirt

"Calm down" Ethan says looking scared, and I'm glad he was.

"Calm down?!" he says. I grab Tyson's arm to get him away from Ethan. I manage to pull him off of Ethan.

"Tyson stop!" I say trying so hard not to cry.

He turned to look at me and saw the hurt in my eyes.

"Ok" he said his voice softening now

"Thank you" I reply

We got out and walked to our next class. I tried to not think about what Ethan did to me. The last thing that I needed was a reminder of how stupid I was.

"Aly are you alright?" Tyson asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I lie

"No youre not" he says and then again I could feel my eyes watery. I bit my lip to stop the tears.

"Aly look at me" he said but I didn't listen "Aly look at me" he said again but i didn't listen then he grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me to look at him.

"Oh Aly..." he said then he hugged me, he was warm I felt safe. I wanted to stay like this, i wanted to feel safe. Then he pulled away.

"Thank you" I say

"For what?" he asked although he new exactly what I was talking about

"For being there for me...I owe you a lot" I say

"What are best friends for" he said smiling.


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