The Truth Is Out

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Jason POV

I wait outside the abandoned building. I see a black truck and behind it three more. One parks and the others behind it. The driver gets out and opens the door for another man in a white suit and chains around his neck. He looks in the truck and gets out a girl. I quickly recognize her it's Alyson.

I ran towards her but one of El Chuecos guards points a gun at me.

Alyson has her mouth covered with tape. She was still wearing the outfit from the party. She sees me and her eyes plead for help. It hurt me to see her like this.

"Let her go" I say trying to get closer but the guy with the gun comes even closer.

"Uh-uh not yet" he says

"What do you want?" I ask

"Great question. You see your crew took an important packet from me" he explains

"And what does that have to do with me?" I ask

"Here is the fun part you get the packet for me and I give her back" he says looking at her

"Why me?" I ask

"Oh well're my son" he says

I froze. I could only look at him thinking to myself, how do I know this is true? And why should I believe him?

"Bullshit my father left my mother and I years ago and you don't look like him at all so don't think that I will believe you" I say

"That man was never your father you know why because he was my brother and he only took care of you and your mother to protect y'all from me" he says

No it can't be true. So that means that the guy that always took care of us was my uncle.

"Liar!" I scream. I don't want believe any of this.

"You know why he betrayed you because he didn't want to see the love of his life dead so he gave you away! I've tried to find you to take care of you but I never did"

"You killed my mother you fucking bastard!" I start crying and I can't stop.

"She wouldn't let me take you in!"

"Because you're a murderer! You killed my uncle too" my tears fall like a waterfall. I want to make him pay for what he did. What he has done and what he is doing now can never be forgiven.

"No I didn't kill him, I didn't pull the trigger and neither did I kill your mother" he says

"But you didn't do anything about it did you? You didn't even cared for her!"

"I did! I loved your mother until she found out who I was, she stayed away from me and never told me she was pregnant" his voice was soft now

"Then why didn't you save her? Why did you have to kill her?"

"Because a leader doesn't have any weaknesses she was my weakness she had to go" his voice was more serious

"So your going to kill me now?"

"I won't"

"Ok then tell one of your guards to kill me" I go up to a man and make him point the gun at my head. "C'mon tell him!"

"I won't kill you, but I will kill her if you don't get me that packet" he gets a gun out and points it at her head

"Don't you fucking pull that trigger or I swear that I will do anything to make you pay" I say

"Then get me that packet" he threatens me

I fall to my knees, I don't want to surrender but I have to help Alyson.

"Fine" I whisper

"Sorry what was that?" He says

"I said Fine!" I look up and see him put Alyson back in the truck.

"You have 24 hours after that she dies" he says closing the door and drives away.

I could barely believe anything he said. My actual father is a murderer. I can't stop crying the tears still fall down my cheeks into the ground. I will get my revenge. This is what I've been waiting for my whole life, to find the man that killed my mother and make him pay the same way. I don't care if it gets me to jail or if I die in the process. Even if it's the last thing I do.


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