Greg continued to stare at me blankly.

Yes, I’ll admit it. I’d caved and apologized.

But what else was I supposed to do? If I didn’t apologize or act like I regretted yelling at him in front of both Natasha and Justin, he’d know something was up.

As I sat there and looked at Greg nervously, biting the inside of my cheek and hoping against hope he’d believe the bullshit apology I’d just thrown at him, I was struck with a plan. A plan which involved yet another lie to pile on top of the huge mess I was already in.

But it was sure to make my entire case believable.

Devious, yes, but brilliant.

“Look, I just...” I sighed, twisting my hands together in my lap in an attempt to appear remorseful. I stared at the ground sadly, frowning in as depressed of a manner as possible. “I’ve just been really stressed out lately.” I murmured sadly. “This whole project is crazy and annoying and irritating and...” I groaned. “I just hate it. And I hate that I have to work with that...idiot manwhore. And I know that I was sticking up for him earlier, which was totally stupid, and I honestly don’t know what I was thinking. I just...I haven’t been sleeping lately because I’ve been so stressed out by this project, and so I’ve been in a really bad mood and I just have been doing and saying some stupid things. I really don’t mean half of the things that I’ve been saying lately.”

I paused for a long moment, peering up at him tentatively, knitting my eyebrows together in the merest hopefulness.

He stared back at me for a moment with his jaw dropped open a fraction of an inch, but I couldn’t quite tell what emotion he was experiencing.

Finally, after several long, slow, excruciatingly nerve-wracking moments, he closed his mouth and spoke. “Oh.” He sounded slightly unnerved. Suddenly, a wave of concern passed over him. “Well, are you alright?” He reached across the coffee table and ran a hand through my hair, staring at me sadly. “You haven’t been sleeping?”

I shook my head slightly. “No.” I lied, my voice a murmur.

It was total bullshit, but how else was I going to get him to brush off my sticking up for Bieber?

“Aww, baby.” He commented sadly. “I’m sorry.” Suddenly, an alert look came over his face and he stared at me sternly. “Bieber’s the one doing this?”

I stared at him with slightly wide eyes, feeling my stomach drop. I swallowed, before I slowly nodded my head. “Yeah. He’s just such an ass that it stresses me out.” I murmured.


Let’s just be clear on this.

Justin Bieber is an asshole.

There is no denying that.

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