Chapter 24

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There I was, watching Alfred. I placed my hands over my lap, trying to seem casual as I attempted to concentrate on the film. I could feel the blonde beside me look at me before he spoke, "you need help dude? You look like you need to pee." He laughs lightly.
"N-no I'm quite alright, thank you." I responded nervously as my face was a light shade of pink. I looked at him and caught him looking at me up and down, "what?" I asked. All he did was smirk, "what are you smirking about?" I looked at him confused even though I knew why he was smirking. He knew-
"You're horny as all hell dude." He laughed lightly as he spoke.
"That's preposterous! I would never-" my face grew red as he placed his hand on my lower thigh and slowly moved his hand up it.
"You so are." He told me quietly and slowly as he began to lean towards me.
I couldn't think straight after that. Next thing that happened Alfred was over top of me and kissing my neck softly with his cold lips from the ice cream, that he now had finished. I breathed out heavily as he moved his hand under mine and began to rub over my trousers, "I knew it..." he whispered against my lips before kissing me softly. I kiss back and push him down onto his back, going over top of him and kissing him. I start grinding my erection on him, making the sexy American bite his lip. I smiled and started to undo my trousers as Alfred watched as he continued biting his lip.
After my trousers were off Alfred went to pull down my boxers but I stopped him before he could, smirking at him as I held his wrests, "nice try." I tell him with a somewhat sexual tone. I watched him stare at my boxers as he slowly licked over his bottom lip, making me bite mine, there was want in his eyes as he stared, I loved that, "do you want it?" I ask him, smirking once more. He answered in a nod, still looking forward, "then you have to do as I say." I raise an eyebrow as I told him this and his head shot up to mine, his eyes wide, "is there a problem?" I asked him. Alfred shook his head, "good." I smile before letting go of his wrists and continuing to speak, "give me your wrists." I command as I take off my tie.
"Artie I-" he stopped talking and blushes as I tightly tie my tie around his wrists.
"Sorry, was there something you would like to say?" I ask teasingly. The blonde shook his head and bit his lip, "stop moving." I tell him, he does so and I smile. I take off his glasses and put them to the side before kissing his lips softly. I pulled away slowly from the kiss then open my eyes to see Alfred's still closed. I start to undo his trousers and he looks at me, his arms now on both sides of his head.
"Dude, this is really-"
"Shh. Don't say a word." I cut him off.
"Alfred, don't make me gag you. We've talked about this before." I raise an eyebrow and smirk. Alfred nods and lets me continue to undress him.

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