Chapter 20

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Soon the building was quiet and all you could hear were the steps of the bobby. They were talking to each other and trying to guess where the two men would've gone. They eventually gave up on looking in the building and headed out on a search. I wiped my face and watched as they left, worried about where the blondes have gone. "I have a headache, I need to rest, I need to go home," I tell myself as I rub my forehead.
Once I was in my home I began to get undressed as I walked to my room. I sighed as I took off my tie then began to unbutton my shirt. I walked into my room and turned on the light then continued to undo my shirt, "do you want help with that?" I heard a whisper in my ear and arms wrap around my waist. I close my eyes and relax for a moment before coming to realisation, my eyes shot open and I turned to face the man I lost. He was smiling at me widely, looking into my eyes with his.
"Alfred, how did you get in here? How hasn't the bobby found you? Are you in trouble?! You should be hiding!" I rambled on, asking many questions and saying so many things, worried about him.
"Shhh... it's okay. I'm fine and they won't find me, no cop has found my brother or me for years." He told me with a calm and relaxing voice. He unbuttoned the rest my shirt and pulled me closer to him by grabbing my shirt and pulling on it. My arms go around his neck and we look into each other's eyes, tears slightly in mine, "don't cry, it's not like I'm dead." He tells me with a smile. All I do is nod as a response.
"Are you using me?" I ask him, a bit worried of the response.
"No, never," he caresses my cheek and I close my eyes, "that was my intention at first but... things changed. I really like you and I care about you. So no, not anymore." I nod slowly, my eyes still closed. I could feel him smile and he places his hands on my hips, "so am I going to have to make the first move, dude, or what?" He laughs lightly and lifts my face up to his with his hand, "kiss me." He whispers against my lips.

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