Chapter 19

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Everyone was either panicking or yelling at each other in the casino and bar. Francis and I told people to relax and stay calm as we got everyone to slowly leave, ordered by the police. We didn't like having to close down early but we didn't really have a choice, so we got everyone to leave as orderly as possible while the bobby looked for the two brothers.
I was nervous and frustrated, I knew this day would come but I didn't want it to. I should've convinced Alfred and Matthew to stop cheating and to play fair, but it was too late now. They were soon to be heading to jail and I would have to be interviewed for information... wonderful.
Look at where this all got me. I finally decided to open up to a man who liked me and now look at what happened. He probably just used me, he's probably just my distraction while Matthew did all the dirty work... how could I be more idiotic, of course that's what happened. I feel like such a fool.
I fall on my knees and cry from my own thoughts, hiding behind the bar.  I could feel my tears run down my face as I continue to think about everything that has happened, "I'm such a bloody fool, thinking he actually likes me..." I cry to myself quietly, "it was all just a damn game, playing me. That git, ninny, wanker, yank... sexy American... with the perfect body and handsome face," I sigh, "what am I doing...?" I ask myself as I continue to cry slightly, "I did this to myself, I knew this would happen. I'm such an idiot." I cover my face with my hands.

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