Chapter 6

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It was the next week since the two blue eyed brothers came for drinks. Not much happened that night but for some odd reason it kept repeating in my mind. I keep visioning the two of them walking in with their blonde hair, glasses and blue eyes. Sometimes I would just imagine the American there, Alfred, with his cowlick and huge, annoying grin, laughing away like someone said a hilarious joke. I never really understood why I kept thinking of them, it's not like I want to. If anything I'd be happy if they never showed up again, that was normal around here, but for some odd reason I can't stop thinking about them, "Rubbish!" I yell slamming my fist on the table.
"What's wrong? Do you not like the tea?" Tino asks worried. I look up from my book and at his face.
"No, sorry. My tea is quite alright." Tino nods at me and walks away. I sigh and close my book that I couldn't even considerate on, I was too busy thinking about those two men, "bloody hell." I mutter under my breath as I massage my temples with my eyes closed. I hear the chair across for me be dragged against the floor then someone sit down, I stop what I was doing and look up at who it was. I froze in slight agile as I looked at the man in front of me.
"You're the dude from the bar right?" He asks loudly.
"Yes, I believe so. You're Alfred, right?" I answer.
"In the flesh." He winks at me, making me sit back a little bit, "I wanted to tell ya that I like your place. It's pretty cool, dude."
"Thank you that's very kind but if I may ask you, if you like it so much why haven't you returned?" I question him.
"Oh ya! Mattie and I are coming again tomorrow night. You guys will be open, right?" He gives me a worried look.
"Yes, of course." I sip my tea.
"Awesome! Can't waited man!" He gets up and leaves.
"That bloody yank needs to learn some manners." I tell myself before I sip my tea again.

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