Chapter 23

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"Then he flew up into the sky and I never saw him again. Just like that he was gone. I swear he's real though, I promise." I look at Alfred puzzled as he told me this, "I'm serious dude!"
"You really had an alien friend?" I raise an eyebrow in question. I never believed in aliens despite believing in other creatures, such as fairies.
"Yes and his name was Tony. He was awesome and he played video games with me!" Alfred looked slightly upset at the fact that I didn't believe him.
"Fine... I believe you. Happy now?"
"No because you don't mean it." He crossed his arms, he reminded me of a child.
"No no I believe you really. Tony seems very interesting. I wish I could've met him." I lied and smiled.
"Yeah! You would've loved him!" Alfred shot up with joy, "guess what we should do?!" The American shook me, making my neck hurt as my head moved around.
"W-what?" I asked feeling a bit sick from the shaking.
"We should eat ice cream and watch a horror movie!"
"No." I tell him right away.
"But.... why not?" He pouted and looked at me with puppy-dog eyes.
"I don't like films." He gasped at my response, "what?" I asked slightly confused.
"First of all it's movies not films and second... You don't like movies?! Who even are you dude?!" I just rolled my eyes, "okay we are definitely going to watch a movie and you're going to like it!" He pushes me over to my sofa and sits me down.
"Alfred I-"
"Shut up and enjoy the show!" He puts in a horror film and went through my freezer for ice cream. When he came back with a pale and a spoon I looked at him confused then ignored it. He seemed so intrigued by the film and he wouldn't take his eyes off the screen, it was actually quite adorable if I had to admit it. As for me, I had no interest in the film and just sat there, looking around the room and looked at the dashing blonde next to me. He looked somewhat terrified of the film and it almost seemed like I found something he was actually scared of. He jumped every once in a while and I'd smile slightly, thinking it was cute and adorable.
About half way through the film he turned and looked at me, "dude, watch the movie." He hit me lightly with his spoon, making it wet and sticky where he hit, from the ice cream. I blush and look away from him, making him smile and look back at the film. I looked back at him and laughed lightly when I saw him jump. The next thing I knew he was up against me, hiding behind a sofa pillow. I comforted him, rubbing his arm slowly and softly, as he'd peek over the pillow to watch ever once in a while, as I slowly falling asleep as I did so.
I woke up suddenly to Alfred screaming and jumping on to me, making me fall over leaning against the edge of the sofa. He looked at me then sat up straight, "I did that on purpose." He told me.
"Oh really now?" I raise an eyebrow at him as I sat up again.
"Yeah dude I just wanted to wake you up." He looked back at the film concentrating and holding his pillow tightly. I just smiled lightly looking at him. He turned to look at me and I looked to the screen, pretending to be interested in the film that was playing. He would do this every once in a while but I'd always look back at him when he looked away. His perfect face and body, remembering that night we were together, it was all getting to my head. This might not end well if I keep thinking like this.

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