Chapter Seven: Robin

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**Jack's POV**

I lay on my bed, staring at my blank phone screen. I had almost zero friends, so I didn't know what I was waiting to see. Maybe a notification from one of the YouTube channels I was subscribed to. Maybe a tweet mentioning my channel. After a few more silent minutes of staring at a blank screen, I sat up, and walked out into the kitchen.

"Ma, I'm going out!" I hollered, grabbing my black hoodie from one of the counter stools.

"Where you going, sweety?" she asked, looking up from the couch.

"I'm going to Robin's. I'll be home by nine. Love you," I said, as I pulled on my hoodie.

"Be safe!"

"Always," I smiled, and locked the door behind me.

I stuffed my key into my pocket, and pulled out my phone. I sent Robin a text, saying I was coming over, and started the short walk to his house. He lived a few blocks away, in a cute, three story house, painted a soft yellow, with white trimming, and perfect green lawn. Robin lived with his parents, and was going to college for a degree in computer animation.

"Knock, knock," I said allowed, as I let myself in.

"Heyyy, Jackaboy!" Robin cooed in his gentle, singsong voice. He smiled up at me from the old, floral print couch, looking back at the TV quickly, as he played Overwatch.

"Hey, Robin," I sighed, and walked over to the couch. I sat down on the floor beside Robin's feet, fiddling with the drawstrings of my hoodie.

"What are you up to, bud?"

"High school sucks," I mumbled, chewing on the aglet of one of the drawstrings.

"Stop that," Robin said, smacking the side of my head.

I mumbled a swear in his direction, but did as I was told.

"Don't worry about high school, Sean. It'll be over before you know it."

"Why are you always so chipper?" I groaned, leaning my head against his knee.

"Because someone has to be!" Robin said, dramatically stretching his arms out around him. "What happened today?"

"Got the shit kicked out of me," I whispered, brushing my hand over my bruised side.

"By that one jerk?"

"Yeah, Felix... Mark defended me," I whispered.

Robin gasped, and paused the game. He looped his arms around my chest, and pulled me up onto the couch, to sit beside him. I chuckled, trying to mask the pain in my face, from the bruises.

"Mark saved the day?" Robin gasped, crossing his legs, and bouncing like a fangirl.

I chuckled, and nodded, my cheeks growing hot. "Yeah, he knocked out Felix. We're working on a project for theater, together."

"No way! Oh my gosh, you guys are gonna fall in love! Oh, it's going to be so cute!" Robin gushed, smiling like a child on Christmas.

"Stop being so dramatic. He's no different. One call from Felix, and he headed right to his house."

"Well, you can't blame him, Jack. That's his best friend. Best friends can fight, but they will never give up on each other."

I smirked, laying down, so my head rested on his lap. "He knows about my YouTube channel."

"Really? Did you tell him that you knew he was Markiplier?"


Robin started playing his game again. I watched him run around, shooting people like crazy, and chuckled whenever he was killed.

"You're going to be okay, Jack. He likes you... If he didn't, he wouldn't bother defending you..."

I nodded, and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of Robin's giggles, and gameplay. Robin was the only true friend I had. I had met him the first week I moved here. He  works in a local gaming shop, where you can go and buy videogames, and even sit, and play in a comfortable, safe little environment. He was extremely nice, and we had some similarities, since he was from Sweden. Europe, and videogames were a common topic in our conversations.

"If it makes you feel better, I ship you guys," Robin whispered.

"Oh shut up, Robin," I chuckled.

Ayyyeee, Robin! I love PixlPit, and Jack's relationship in real life, so I thought I'd throw it in here. Hope you like it!

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