64: First Date - Part Two

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, he won't bite you." I laugh. Scott nudges me in the ribs. I stick my tongue out at him for a second. Then, I offer him a hand. "Here," I say. Scott takes my hand and I slowly bring it to the dolphin's back. I let Scott's hand lay on the dolphin's back. After a few moments, I push his hand up and down a little bit, so he's stroking the dolphin's back. I then let go of Scott's hand and he continues to stroke the dolphin by himself. "There you go." I comment with a smile. The dolphin clicks happily and snuggles closer to Scott, whose eyes show bewilderment. "Dolphins are really friendly creatures. They make great play mates." I tell Scott as he hugs the dolphin now in his arms.

"I remember this one time when Ben and I spent hours playing with a group of dolphins. We almost got lost because we had swam so far away with them. We were nearly on the outskirts of the kingdom. Mom and Dad weren't very happy with me." I laugh at the memory. I suddenly feel slightly sad and my face falls a little. I still miss my old home and my friends. Do they think I'm still alive? Do they miss me as much as I miss them? Scott notices my slight change in mood. He lets go of the dolphin and holds onto my hand, squeezing it comfortingly. I smile gratefully at him. "Thanks, Scott." I say. Scott swims closer and pulls me into a hug. I happily oblige. I bury my head into Scott's shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I can see the dolphin dancing around us in the water, chattering away. Eventually, I let go. "Have you ever wanted to swim with a dolphin? It's the best thing ever." I grin. Scott shrugs.

"Come on then!" I laugh. I swim over to the dolphin, pulling Scott along with me. The dolphin seems to know what is about to happen. He waits patiently for someone to grab on. Scott looks at me uncertainly. I roll my eyes and chuckle at him. "Go on, give it a try." I say as I gently push Scott forwards. I watch as Scott makes his way over to the dolphin and starts stroking his back. He then holds onto the dolphin gently. I watch as the dolphin starts to swim around, pulling Scott along with him. I smile at the sight. The dolphin lets out what I assume is a laugh. I'm glad that he's having a good time. I'm sure Scott is too. I eventually flick my tail and swim over to Scott and his new friend. "I think he really likes you." I comment to Scott.

"I guess I have some competition for your best friend title." I joke. Scott shakes his head at me and playfully punches me in the arm. I chuckle and swim a little further away. I twirl and tumble around in the water, feeling so free. "It's so great not to have legs!" I call out to Scott as I swim around. After a while, we decide to resurface. Scott let's go of the dolphin. "We have to go now. Thanks for swimming with us, we had a lot of fun, especially Scott here. He's quite new to the ocean, so I'm showing him around." I explain to the dolphin. I notice Scott giving me a questioning look. I can understand why. The dolphin makes a noise in response.

"Sea creatures seem to understand what merfolk say. I think some merpeople know how to speak dolphin or whale, so the two species can have a full on conversation. I never got the chance to learn. Besides, I never was any good at learning other languages. I think Crystal wanted to learn dolphin though." I tell Scott. He nods in understanding, his eyes showing fascination about the whole topic. The dolphin swims around us one more time before swimming away. "Cute guy." I chuckle. I turn to the werewolf next to me. I take his hand.

"Come on, let's start heading back. The sun will be setting soon. It doesn't really matter for me, but I don't think you'll see much underwater when it's dark." I laugh. Scott nods in agreement and we start swimming back to the boat.

Once we reach the surface, Scott quickly pulls out his mouth piece. He pushes his mask from his eyes and onto his head. He grins at me, eyes bright with excitement. "That was amazing!" Scott gasps out between heavy breaths of air.

"I know. It's even more spectacular in the underwater kingdoms." I reply with a smile.

"Once your kingdom is safe, which I know it will be one day, maybe you could take me on a tour?" Scott suggests.

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Where stories live. Discover now