Sorry...It's Too Late

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~Ladar's POV~

Waking up in this huge cave. The cave ceiling was so tall that you would need at least 20 trolls stacked on top of each other. The place was very round with some very sharp dents in the walls. There was bats at the top of cave sleeping with moss and vines in the ceiling dangling down from rocks or ledges filled with birds.

Trying to get up to not be able to feel my legs at all. Groaning in pain i looked around seeing no brother or other troll or any other species than animals at the top of the cave where i couldn't reach them.

"You're finally awake ladar" bular's voice said somewhere in the cave. Looking around i found him at the mouth of the cave as the sun began to set. "How long was i out?" i asked "almost a day...i found metal to heal you" he said sternly knowing that he was angry with me.

"Spit it" i said closing my eyes to rest a little. "Why would you dare go alone in the woods! With that stupid troll hunter assassin on the loose who could have killed you if is wasn't for me to come and save your skin!" he snarled. "It wasn't even angor rot or strickler that attacked me! I don't even know who it was...all i remember is that i was walking the forest looking for you until my own blades began to attack me!" i snarled opening my eyes that were full of fury.

Bular looked at me stunned that i snapped at him because we usually don't argue or fight, but when we do one usually does come out with a few scratches.

"Then it must've been angor rot...he uses magic to do his personal things ladar." bular growled. Taking in a huge breath of air; then, exhaled. "Sorry bular...just in a little bit of pain right now..that's why i snapped" i confessed looking at the farthest wall from bular, so i don't have to look at those red and yellow eyes when he sees the weakness and pity in me.

"Don't need that anger for him so we can kill those pathetic troll and troll hunter" bular growled walking out of the cave. Sighing i felt bad for him..he lost so much.

~Bular's POV~

Walking back to the cave with 2 dead humans for me and ladar to eat. Maybe seeing ladar like that made us fight..she's all that i have left. I thought; hearing a scream from the cave i looked up to see the cave in sights.

Running over to the cave worried for the worst. Running in i couldn't see anything, looking hard i saw blades clashing. "NO!" i roared throwing the human bodies to the floor. Throwing out my blades striking at the closest body.

The other body in the cave ran out of the cave. Looking at the figure; it was a troll, but i couldn't tell who. Looking back at the body i got. Fire started in the cave...looking back i saw i hit ladar in the heart. "B-bular..."she gasped dropping her blades to her side.

I was so shocked. Letting go of the blade that was in my sister's chest. "Ladar!" i yelled catching her as she fell for the ground. Holding her in my arms watching her slowly die. "B-bular...don't b-be mad..." she gasped before she took her last breath letting a tear fall from her eye. "I-i'm so sorry" i whispered putting our foreheads together.

Hearing a laugh i sprung up turning around. Getting stabbed in the chest with one of my sister's own sword. "Gunmar's children.are.dead." a dark and sinister voice chuckled. Pulling the blade in my chest. Kicking me back into the cave next to ladar's dead body.

The troll responsible threw ladar's sword at my chest stabbing me again. Groaning from pain. The fires went out along the walls of the cave only allowing moonlight to come into the cave.

Grabbing ladar's hand into mine...her hands were soft and smooth against my rough and sandpaper hands. "See you twin sister.." i whispered. Blacked consumed me letting a tear leave my eyes as i died along side my twin sister ladar.

~No One's POV~

The twins bodies began to turn stone as the sun light came upon their bodies. Their bodies turned to dust slowly...there held hands getting burned last.

The twins of darkness were killed...forever...

so that's the end of 'twins of darkness'! how did you all think of it? i know i kinda rushed it, but i was losing ideas so i did that..i kinda getting watery eyes while writing the end. lol 


DeadNelia OUT!

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