The Process to Victory

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After hours of building we were half way done with the bridge. "All we need now is the other pieces ladar...then the troll hunters amulet then  father is free." "yeah...but now it's just a long waiting game for that to happen..and you know us..we're very impatient" i chuckled. looking over to a wall, Seeing a clock say 3 am i knew the sun was almost out. "We must leave brother...the sun will be up soon" "we will be back tonight to put the other pieces together" he told me walking off without me.

Watching him leave kind of broke my heart freeing father is making him kinda isolated...i mean i want father to be free, but...this is a lot even for us combined i thought.

Running after Bular i caught with him walking along side him making sure not to make eye contact or saying a word like we usually do. reaching the doors we Opened the doors from the building we ducked underneath the doors for being too tall but i like being tall.

Getting down into the sewers; closing the manhole cover above us Bular noticed me being more quiet then usual . "What troubles you ladar?" he asked not looking at me "thinking on a plan to kill the troll hunter and get the amulet" i lied of course Bular knew i was lying because i was usually bad at it.

"Spill it" he demanded stepping in front of me crossing his arms across his chest looking down at me like father used too when we were in trouble. "It's not that important honestly you'll just snap at me or call me stupid for thinking such a thing so let's just drop it" i pleaded looking into the twin eyes we share. His yellow and red glowing eyes were staring straight into my soul. While my more bright yellow and red eyes tried to hide the truth from his glare.

Of course he didn't budge. Sighing in defeat "strickler is planning something i can feel it...he just up and left after you went through the first box he might be trying to take our father's throne" i said taking a step back incase Bular was going to snap or yell.

He eased a little knowing that he believed it as well. "i believe you but we need to keep his 'loyalty' in check so the faster we build the bridge the sooner we can kill him, and have father with his throne once again" bular said putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me that he wasn't mad at all.

~Time Skip~

It was turning night, and we were running to the museum trying to waste no time to finish building the bridge. Bursting through the door we saw no strickler...growling at this "stupid changeling doesn't know how to watch time!" i growled. we kept looking around for him. 

still no show me and bular were getting rather very impatient with him. 

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