Anger is an Emotion

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~Bular's POV~

My anger was boiling through every inch of my body also ladar seeing her storm out of the room to punch a wall. It was extremely loud so loud you could probably hear it outside. "She's just like you when angered" strickler said back in his human skin.

"She should because she is my twin sister!" i growled glaring at him. "Besides we're angry at you so don't bother" i growled. Looking back at the bridge that was back to where it was just plain stone nothing really important about it. There was no blue light under it to see father or glowing stones. It just looked like a normal troll bridge.

Strickler and i continued to look at the bridge until the amulet began to glow bright getting our attention. Walking over to the amulet strickler picked it up with it begin to shake in his hands. "That's strange why is huh-" i was a little startled at what the amulet was doing.

"Ah!" strickler growled trying to hold the amulet down, but the amulet kept shaking in his hands more furious. It picked him up and threw him into the wall making him scream like a little boy. The amulet began to flip and spin in the middle of the giant room that the bridge was being held in. the amulet began to glow brighter in a blue color than before.

I jumped after the amulet, missing it. Trying again it went higher into the sky; missing again to catch the amulet. Hitting me in the face making me flinch back as the amulet flew through the roof making a hole and flying into the air. "NO!" i yelled angered again for losing the amulet.

~Ladar's POV~

Bular's voice woke me from my nap under the tree. Springing up ready to fight with my baldes out. But only to see the amulet flying through the roof. Sprinting after the amulet, jumping on the roof, jumping again to grab ahold of the amulet. The amulet shook me off scratching my wrist in the process. Falling down i caught myself in the hole of the roof with bular and strickler right underneath of me.

Jumping down to be with them i was breathing hard from the stunt i pulled off while clutching my wrist from the amulet cutting it. "Mind telling me what's going on?" i asked "the amulet flew off on it's own" bular growled " we can't free father at all" i growled.

After 2 minutes of bular explaining what happened while i was resting i went to wash off the little bit of blood that came from my wound. "Ladar...we'll free father...we need an advantage though" bular said walking up to me as i was washing my wrist.

"We're never going to find one unless we do find a miracle" i growled walking back into the room with the bridge and use to be amulet.

We were now waiting for namora to return with the troll hunter. During that time i was standing next to a pile of empty boxes sharpening my blades on my forearm. Little sparks were coming off my skin every time i hit the blade on my skin on a certain part of the blade.

Going to the other blade on the other forearm doing the same process for the amount of time about an half an hour with each blade so i stood there waiting for an hour sharpening my blades waiting for namora.

"Can that impure take any longer" i growled under my breath "probably sister" bular said standing next to me.

"Great groncamoraca...the changeling was right the bridge is complete, and it was here the whole time" blinkey said under some stone. Bular walked in front of his view grabbing him by the neck. Out from under the floor to his eye level growling at him piercing into his soul.

"If young atlas won't open it for us maybe he'll open it for you" strickler said. Bular looked back at blinkey laughing he's really evil one. Blinkey looked horrified "oh..." he said terrified. Walking up to them with loads of rope to tie blinkey with. 

Twins of Darkness (TrollHunters 2016 FanFic)✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ