Almost Killed

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Bular and i were running as fast as we could trying to catch up to a human. This human was fast maybe the human is in what they call 'track' i thought continuing to chase the human.

Jumping into the air with my blades flashing the moon light in the human's face making her stop. Bular grabbed her; getting her to scream. "Shut up" he snarled ripping off her head.

Sharing half of the human we went back to looking for a large cave or sewers for us to hide in for the day. The troll hunter was still out there and with angor rot out there he will most likely die as well from us.

I made a goal to kill that troll hunter assassin and that troll hunter as well named jim. Coming out of my thoughts i saw that me and bular had splitted paths without knowing it.

~Bular's POV~

Hearing that strickler is trying to take mine and ladar father's throne i swore that i will rip out his heart. Punching a tree from anger splinters of wood flying everywhere. Looking back i saw ladar wasn't around.

"Ladar?" i called out looking around again to make sure i didn't miss place the black stoned skin sister. (not to be racist or anything :-p) not hearing a response from her i began to walk back to look for her.

"Ladar!" i yelled out looking around for her glowing eyes in the dark. "How hard is it to lose your twin?" i asked myself looking around. Continuing to walk around i heard blades clash with each other with grunts and screams of pain. LADAR! I thought; running off to the sound of the fight.

Getting there i saw my limp sister on the floor bleeding everywhere. Her blades were inches from her hands covered in blood. From tip to end. Running over to her still body she was bleeding from her mouth, shoulder, and chest plus behind her knees in large cuts.

Pulling my blades i looked around for awhile to make sure the attacker was gone.

Sorry if this is kinda short i just don't have a lot of ideas to write for the if you have any ideas for the story then please share thanks.

Twins of Darkness (TrollHunters 2016 FanFic)✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz