Getting the Amulet

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Strickler had the job to get the amulet from the troll hunter while me and bular waited in the sewers for that to be completed or we went to the museum to talk to father.

We missed father a lot, but sometimes we don't see him because he needs his time to himself, and get's very impatient around us waiting for the amulet.


Waiting in the museum for the amulet that strickler got from the troll hunter in his troll form. Seeing him in his troll form was a sight for sore eyes because i haven't seen it in a long time and when i mean long time i mean long time.

The goblins were all in a line saying something in their tongue and namora and was on the sidelines in her troll form.

Me and bular we right next to the bridge as strickler came walking in with the amulet held high over his troll head.

Strickler bowed in front of the bridge showing our father the amulet bowing his head low for respect. "Open the bridge!" father said almost excitement in his voice to be released from the dark lands.

"Hahaha it is my honor father"bular said snatching the amulet from strickler. Strickler joined namora on the side with the goblins. "Where's the young changeling?" she asked "he should be here fagwar take your breatharian and fetch that vile little beast" strickler growled.

As the goblin left to go find the young changeling i went back to face the bridge with my brother holding the amulet. Bular jumped up on top of the bridge right above the indent where the amulet would rest to open the bridge.

"For centuries father we have awaited your glorious return tonight we take back the surface lands! Tonight we feast!" bular yelled. The goblins cheering as i roared with excitement.

Bular laughed as he gently tossed the amulet in his hands putting the amulet in it's rightful spot on the bridge. The amulet began to glow bright as the little hands and troll face began to move around in a circle.

Soon the amulet gave off a blue mist/fire look as the whole bridge began to glow blue in the cracks where every stone was replaced at. The eye stone began to glow bright showing the troll face.

A blue gust of air rushed out under the bridge making us cover our eyes to not hurt them. "Finally after centuries of being in the dark lands!" dad said. But hearing the bridge begin to crack i began to worry "the bridge is cracking!" i yelled "something is wrong!" bular yelled his face full of worry.

The eye stone began to glow a blue crack in the middle glowing brighter the longer the amulet was in. "take out the amulet! Take it out now!" strickler yelled "the portal is closing!" father yelled freaking out me and bular jumped for the amulet trying to pull it out. The amulet made a gust of powerful wind go.

Pushing us the the floor on our sides. Trying to get up quickly to stop the portal from closing "my children!" he said "father!" we yelled in unison "my children what have you done!" father yelled trying to grab out to us our faces screamed out worried , but we were still on the ground terrified.

As the amulet arms spinned faster and faster, then suddenly stopping turning dark the bridge no longer was glowing blue..just normal stone nothing special. You couldn't see our father anymore; only a dark killahead bridge.

Before the portal closed "FATHER!" we roared trying to reach out to him. But the only response we got...was the troll hunter amulet falling to ground making a 'clink' sound against the museum floor.

"Daylight is his to command!" strickler growled "Bular!" strickler yelled before bular grabbed him by the throat. "You said the amulet would open the bridge!" bular snapped "it didn't! Strickler!" i snarled my fingers twitching ready to rip his throat out my breathing became heavy i wanted to so badly kill this impure.

"Bular i know what we need" strickler said putting the amulet in his face "What!" he demanded "the troll hunter the amulet won't work without him heeee is the key!" strickler gasped while his throat was getting squished. "BRING THE TROLL HUNTER TO US!" bular roared full of anger ready to kill anything. "It'll be my pleasure" namora said bowing. Bular threw strickler to the wall with almost full force.

"Pray you're right impure or arcadia will burn in our fury" bular growled "he still has the fake amulet nothing will protect him now" strickler growled looking at the real amulet in his hands.

Storming out of the room full of anger to just punch a hole in the wall right when i exit the room making the whole building echo with the sound of my punch. "that...IMPURE!" i growled.

Continuing to storm off somewhere else in the museum to blow off some steam from our failure to free father.

I ended up finding myself outside in the middle of the woods. "How long have i been walking?" i asked myself looking around only to see the museum right in my sights in a clearing up ahead.

Sitting down in front of a tree i watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. Taking a deep breath in and out through my nose, and closing my eyes i decided to stay there for a couple of minutes.

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