Soon Father

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Hours upon hours have passed of waiting in the museum, and Bular, and i were getting very impatient with strickler not showing on time. Bular was pacing back and forth on all fours near the entrance growling very lightly where it was almost like a cat purr. but you could tell he was getting angry, and that's when you don't bug him.

While i was waiting i was leaning against the wall sharpening my blades with my forearm i was thinking maybe strickler wasn't going to show up, and rebel against Gunmar. Maybe another half hour of sharpening my blades, Bular walked over to me "if he doesn't show soon he will be dead" he growled looking at the door still to make sure that he shows "agree with you 100% brother" i answered.

Finally after 10 more minutes strickler came in with a tiny box and an apple seriously? a tiny box and a apple kept him that long!? i thought . Bular walked behind him and stopped "you're late" he growled "extremely late" i growled as Bular began to pace again. "And you two are impatient" he growled as Bular stood up by his left, and i put my swords away walking up the strickler's right to see the box.

"I was waiting for a package to arrive" he said before strickler could finish 'arrive' Bular took the box from him full of impatience. While the changeling caught the apple before hitting the floor. Bular broke open the box with much fury i almost flinched at his action. Bular Taking the stone piece out he threw the remaining box in his hand to his left somewhere.

Looking at the small stone in his hands he quickly took action growling walking up to the half built killahead bridge throwing off the giant white sheet covering it from being seen by human eyes. Throwing it to the ground of the museum floor.

Holding up the stone it began to glow blue almost like it was on fire. Moving upwards the stone began doing a 360 ,then stopped going into place with the rest of the bridge pieces that we have collected so far.

"Killahead bridge will soon be complete" strickler said "we know that" i growled not looking down but still at the bridge. That was glowing partially blue from the new piece of the bridge connecting in it's place. "Our man from germany will be arriving soon with more pieces" he said looking down at the apple in his hands. stricklers comment made me and Bular smirk looking at the bridge some more.

"And our father will know freedom and glory" bular said looking higher up into the tiny blue light above the bridge. "and once he is free...we can run terror into the human world we stand on" i added. "thanks for stating the obvious ladar" strickler said; growling low at him almost wanting to step on his tiny body of an impure.

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