The Battle Pt.2

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Draal and namora were now fighting each other while i was in a daze. Couldn't feel anything on my body my vision was blurry and my ears were ringing. Feeling the back of my head i felt a liquid in my hair..blood i hit my head hard on the bridge.

"If my father were to see you now! You were a killer! His general! You're aren't a pacifist! You were a pet!" bular roared. Still ramming heads with ARRGRRH strickler and jim were fighting still as well as draal and namora while toby was trying to cut blinkey down.

Using all my strength i got up on my feet grabbing my two blades. Climbing up the bridge. Jumping up roaring bringing down my blades toby swung the rope back and forth making me miss but get hit in the back as their bodies came swinging back.

Hitting a pillar on my back. Grunting from the pain. Sprinting over to bular throwing off ARRGRRRH for a split second until he threw me into a wall and pinned bular back to the wall.

Strickler had jim pinned to the bridge with his amulet in his hand. Strickler forcing him to put the amulet in the bridge. The bridge began to glow blue within every crack there was in the bridge. A black and blue portal opened on the bottom of the bridge sucking in everything it can.

"FINE I'LL DO IT!" the baby changeling yelled climbing to the top of the bridge slipping. My legs couldn't move i couldn't feel anything from the waist down. "Not many people would be lucky to say that they were there when history was made!" strickler said to jim still pinning him down to the bridge.

"Suzie this is for you!" the impure said grabbing the amulet he began to get shocked and on fire until he letted go. "SON! DAUGHTER!" father yelled "FATHER!" we yelled back. As i said that i could feel my body again. Getting up i ran over to try and help bular. Draal began climbing the bridge to try and take out the amulet. His fingers were under the amulet while namora was on top of him trying to get him off.

Namora was pushed off to the entryway of the room to get sucked into the portal with other broken stuff getting sucked in with the other stuff. Draal was trying his best to take out the amulet but it wouldn't budge. "No draal let go!" jim yelled "NO! NO! DON'T LET HIM!" bular yelled. Sprinting off with my brother to stop draal from letting go.

But we were too late draal let go making the bridge fall on top of the twins. Knocking us out for mere seconds. Me and bular began to roar with frustration trying to get the stones off of us.

Getting the stones off we climbed out; we saw each other. No father in sight "FATHER!" we yelled looking around for him. We grabbed our blades roaring with frustration ready to kill them all.

"Cowards! Come face your end!" bular roared before going down into the water after them. Me right on his tail down in the water.

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