Put to the Test

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After the blast dimmed we all looked back at gunmar who was even more furious "you've made my exile even the more intolerable for your bickering..stricklander is correct nothing is more important than preventing our plan being discovered by our enemies but from now on my children will be giving the orders" making the twins laugh in stricklers face. "I will speak with my son and daughter alone. NOW!" gunmar demanded. striking his hand back up at the field.

"As you wish your greatness" strickler bowed his head a little as the other impure's left and the goblin leader. Us watching him leave we turned back to face our father. "What has become of stricklander he appears to become..soft" father asked. Bular unbowed standing towards father to answer "in his human eyes he has become the boy's teacher we believe he has..affection for the child" bular answered. throwing his hand to me saying we both knew it.

"Father he will not allow us any where near the child without him freaking out that we could 'foil' our plans to free you and that he wants me dead!" i finally spoke up standing from my bow.

"You question his loyalty?" father asked "we do father" bular said "he tried to make me go against you and bular father. But my loyalty is to my family!" i said "this is true father...strickler has tried to make ladar leave behind her loyalty and go to his" bular said backing me up.

"Hmm...if his heart has turned we must know. test him" father demanded "with pleasure" we said in unison bular adding a chuckle at the end. "Ladar...would you ever betray your family even if it meant you death?" father questioned "of course..i would never disobey you or Bular father" i answered.

"Then go...hide yourselves from the rays of the sunlight" father asked. bowing our heads once more before we left the room and out the museum.

~Time Skip~

Wondering the sewer tunnels the goblin leader came up to bular and i. "The troll hunter is looking for bular?" i asked looking at him "then he will get what he wants..take us to him" bular said.as we were walking,  Bular was walking on all fours as well as i.

We began to follow the goblin leader to fight the troll hunter. possibly for the last time before we kill him and take the amulet from him.

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