The Battle

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We made a message to the troll hunter using strickler's phone to call him. After the message we waited, and waited for at least a couple of hours.

During that time me and bular tied blinkey to the roof right above the bridge and made a stair way for the troll hunter if he decides to show up, and open the bridge.

"He'll have a plan..he will most likely bring friends even though we demanded he comes alone" i told bular hoping he would listen.

"There were pathetic humans how could you allow run away when you had him!" bular growled at namora failing to bring back the troll hunter. "Bular she said there were trolls there too besides we have to prepare for the troll hunter" i growled.

"Fine" he growled walking back up to where blinkey was waiting besides him. Waiting alongside him with my two blades out and ready.

Strickler and a goblin just left the museum to go get the troll hunter while the rest waited to attack if needed to be. Gripping my blades tighter adrenaline coursing through my veins going on my tiptoes ready for the troll hunter.

"He won't come bular jim is a trained and true troll hunter" blinkey said we were ignoring him as the curtains opened with strickler and the troll hunter.

The troll hunter looked at blinkey then at bular and me. "Oh master jim why did you not heed my warning" blinkey demanded "you promised we would build that bespo together remember now cut him down i brought the amulet" jim demanded. Bular and i put our blades at his neck on each side of his neck. "Open the bridge i will not ask again" bular demanded strickler in his troll form pushed jim forward to start climbing.

"Sorry kid it's business" the young changeling said. "No master jim don't do this if you release gunmar and his gum gom army you will be unleashing gunmar's rein one troll's life is merely putting everyone at risk think about troll market your friends your own mother i trained you better then this" blinkey said "shut up" i growled putting my blade on the skin of his neck.

The amulet began to give out the same blue firemist look drawing towards the hole in the bridge where it will ly. "For the glory of merlin not another step" blinkey growled "shut up!" i growled again putting pressure on the blade on his neck.

Something on his wrist began to beep, we all began to freak "he's wearing a tracking device! You said he was alone!" namora said we all began to look around for the other trolls that would be coming.

"Not troll hunter..troll hunters" he yelled as the sheets on the wall of the doorway were pulled down my ARRGRRRH! And draal. And the fat human child. "I am toby grandson of nanna fan of hard rock" he said hitting the black screen of his phone.

The song wasn't hard rock but pleasant music. Me and bular looked at each other with a growl then looked back at toby.

"Sorry wrong playlist..."he said scrolling on the screen for the right song. We stood there all awkward and confused. This i stupid i thought "ah here it is" toby said playing the song. The two trolls got in a fighting stance.

"For the glory of merlin daylight is mine to command" jim enchanted "kill them all!" bular yelled. The fight was on bluar went after the troll hunter but for draal to attack him. So i went after the troll hunter. "You'll pay for this!" i snarled hitting at him as hard as i could and as fast as i could hitting the blades together making sparks go everywhere.

The troll hunter hit me back making me fly right next to bular. "I am draal the deadly son of kanjhagar and you will suffer for my father's death" he growled fighting at bular. I ran up and kicked draal in the chest sending him flying with a roar.

ARRGRRRH went after namora and the baby changeling went after the new goblin leader. "I didn't mean to do that" the baby said looking innocent "bad baby!" strickler growled kicking the baby.

The goblins were after the troll hunter while he tried to save blinkey. Sprinting over there interfering. Striking at his knees then his neck at the same time he almost lost his head there. Putting more force on the blades getting closer to his neck to cut him.

Draal and bular were still fighting each other while namora was chasing after ARRGRRRH up on the wall while he was in a hall way. "NO NOT AGAIN!" namora screams while the goblins attack her. Losing my focus the troll hunter hits me in the gut throwing me off. Strickler taking my place.

Bular threw draal into the stairways with me underneath with them all falling on me. "RUAH!" i roared getting out from underneath tackling draal to the ground punching him in the face from losing my blades in the ruble. Draal throwing me off into a wall punching bular in the face. Bular gave him an uppercut flying him right next to me.

Draal trying to get up, but i elbowed him in the forehead as hard as i could stunning him to move. Seeing my blades right behind bular i grab them and aim at draal as bular grabs his throat ready to finish him with me at his head. "Like son" bular said ready to strike but ARRGRRRH rammed into us making us go flying.

Bular starting to headbut him like a ram would roaring. Going back after draal jumping in the air ready to strike. Draal at the nick of time rolls over to miss my attack and kicked me against the bridge.

Twins of Darkness (TrollHunters 2016 FanFic)✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang