"Anyway! I'm going to see how Willow is." Trent said, going into the med bay.

"Yell if she wakes up!" Brittany called to him as everyone settled down and waited.

Willow was still unconscious as Trent walked in. He looked at Gibson, who looked very relieved to see him.

"Trent are you-?"

"I'm fine, how's Willow?" He quickly asked.

Arwen patted her daughter's head.

"Unconscious but fine. That battle really took a lot out of her." She sighed.

Trent sat down next to her and Antauri and stared at Willow.

"I had no idea you guys were Sueronians. I mean I heard of them but I never thought my friends were one of them." He berated before flinching.

"Not that it's a bad thing!"

Arwen smiled but her smile soon dropped.

"That's ok Trent, I was hesitant tell them because of the hunters. Now I wished I would have told them sooner." She sighed.

"Don't blame yourself, you were one looking out for their safety." Antauri said.

Arwen nodded a bit.

"All I want now is for her to wake up, then maybe we can try to move on from this and when we tell her...I don't know." She sighed then looked at Trent.

"Are you sure you're okay? I heard that you...were really upset when you woke up." Arwen said with concern.

Trent nodded a bit.

"Yeah, Mandarin talked to me and I'll be fine. He's fine too, he just...needed to have someone talk to him." He said before Arwen asked anything else.

Antauri peeked outside and saw Mandarin complaining about something.

"That's very good. I'm glad you two are feeling better about what happened." He said before looking at Willow.

"I just hope that she doesn't feel too upset over it." He said.

Gibson nodded and walked over to him.

"She'll be fine Antauri. Now come on, you've been in this room a lot for the past few days. I think it's time we let her rest for a while." He said.

Antauri hesitated, staring at Willow and having a warm feeling burning in his chest before looking at Gibson.

"Alright." He said before everyone left the med bay.

"No, I refuse!" Mandarin huffed.

Nova rolled her eyes.

"Come on, a baby shower isn't going to kill you." She sighed.

Brittany smiled happily, bouncing a bit.

"They're so much fun! I have a cousin that had one and it was super cute!"

Mandarin frowned at her.

"Goodie for you, but I hate them." Mandarin huffed.

"Come on how are you going to get gifts for the kid for free if you don't have one?" Sprx asked.

Mandarin leaned foreword, an eyebrow raised.

"I've been getting free gifts from the family and I keep getting them! No matter how many times I say they don't have to do that, they still do it. So other than free things why should I have one?" He asked.

"Just for the experience alone. Come on a baby shower is a tradition." Arwen said, sitting down.

Mandarin looked over at her.

An Excuse MaybeWhere stories live. Discover now