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L-33 and Thundershock walked alone, sneeking around in the shadows of the alleys so no Enforcers could find them. Thundershock explained that Megatronus knew someone that would gladly let them in and let L-33 get an alt.

She said his designation was . . . uh, Redfire.

Thundershock suddenly halted in front of a building and cautiously approached it, knocking on the door. After two quiet knocks she took a step back and soon the heavy metal door opened.

The mech who opened it was small compared to them, he was shoulder height on the two, his paint scheme was red, along with his optics. He was bulky, his shoulder plates being the most heavily armored, he flashed them a quick, devilish, grin.

"You made it Thundershock."

She nodded and waved a servo, saying sarcastically, "It was easy as always, Redfire."

The mech, Redfire, chuckled and looked at L-33, smiling. "Care to introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh yes, Redfire, this is L-33, L-33 this is Redfire, he's going yo help you find an alt."

"Nice to meet you."

L-33 nodded in greetings, but that was not enough for the red much and he held his servo out. "Oh come on, put 'er there, I won't bite."

The purple opticed mech glanced at his feminine companion next to him, she smiled and gestured with her helm for him to shake the mech's servo. He focused on the mech and took his awaiting servo and shook it.

Redfire beamed. "Come on in, watch out for my sparkling, he'll be around here."

Thundershock smiled brightly. "You finally had a sparkling! How'd Shimmer convince you?"

He laughed. "She didn't, she threatened to leave if we didn't. And knowing me I didn't want her to so..."

She laughed. "Well, it's about time. What's it's designation?"

"It's a he and you'll find out Thunder."

"Do I have to find him and ask 'em myself?" She asked, putting her servos on her hips.

"Perhaps." The red mech grinned.

She vented, expatriated, rolling her optics. "Fine..." She turned to the silent mech beside her. "Come on, L-33, let's find an alt."

"Have fun you two, I'd help but I'm a little busy, I'm sure you'll run into the scamp soon."

The femme grinned and nodded, leading the way through the many vehicles. "We should find something small and aerodynamic, it'll fit your frame better and not look foolish."

"Query," L-33 said, looking at his winged companion, she turned.

"Yes L-33?"

"What is your alt?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Well, uh, my alt is specially made for me; I'm so unique that I needed an alt that could fly, big, and fast. It is a combination of the most expensive jet modes on Cybertron."

"L-33: understands. Thundershock: quite unique."

"Yes, although I wish I wasn't." She muttered.

He said nothing, dropping the subject, since it clearly made her uncomfortable.

Awhile later, when it was quiet and they just made it to the planes and jets, something bumped into Thundershock's pedes and fell with a small grunt.

They both averted their optics towards the floor, finding a small red, with little white pinstripes, sparkling sitting on his aft in front of her.

She gasped, crouching down, helping the little mech up. "Oh, I am so sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course!" The sparkling exclaimed, staring up at the two. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, you did just run into my pede."
The red much shrugged. "Who are you?"

Thundershock stood to her full height. "I'm Thundershock, a friend of your Creator's, and this is my friend, L-33. Who are you?"

"I'm Knockout!" The sparkling announced proudly. L-33 glanced at Thundershock, she smiled at Knockout, making a faint little smile appear on his face.

"Well, that's a mighty fine name you got there, Knockout." She said, chuckling.

"I know, so which one of you is here for a alt?"

"L-33 is, Knockout, he would like a jet form, if you please."

Knockout nodded and ran off towards the flying vehicles. Thundershock looked at L-33 and laughed. "Well, come on then."

He allowed himself to chuckle, following the femme and sparkling. Thundershock looked back at him and shrugged.

When they caught up to the rascal he was standing in front of a sleek, aerodynamic, plane that was small in size but looked to be the perfect alt for L-33. Thundershock looked at the talk much as he came to stand beside her. "Well, what do you think?"

He looked at her, feeling a little embarrassed at what he was about to say. "Confession: L-33 does not know how to precisely scan."

Thundershock slapped her servo to her forehelm. "Of course! Silly me, I forgot, I'm so sorry. Um, it is somewhat complicated to explain. Uh, oh! L-33, can you open the back of your helm? There should be a manual switch there that will turn on the scanning sequence, information on how to do it should automatically be supplied."

He opened the back of his helm as Thundershock got behind him. He felt her delegate servos flip a switch in his helm and his optics glitched as sudden information on scanning an alt and in no time he scanned the jet in front of him. Transforming for the first time into his new alt. Though his optical sensors he saw Thundershock smile and he transformed into his bypel form.

He was abruptly embraced by the winged femme. Caught off guard, L-33 just stood there silently until she quickly let go of him, clearing her voice box. "Sorry."

L-33 tilted his helm. "Apology: unneeded."

She looked down at Knockout. "Hey, KO? Do you know where Shimmer is? So she can take us for a test flight?"

Knockout smirked, just like his Creator's. "Why need Carrier when I can just take you?"

She frowned. "I'm not positive Redfire would like that."

"Creator won't mind, come on! I know just the place!"

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