She's Different

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Soundwave's memory files 1027

L-33 sat on a old couch in a abandoned building, Megatronus in a chair, Thundershock sitting beside him on the couch. It was quiet and the tension in the air was unbearable for Thundershock. She shifted uncomfortably, looking around, couldn't her creator fall into recharge now?

When Megatronus finally offlined, Thundershock turned to L-33. "You know if you want a designation, you can give yourself one. That's what my creator did."

He looked at her. "Query: why designation Thundershock?"

She shrugged. "I am full of surprises. Only Megatronus knows why. As for he is the one to name me."

He nodded.

"Say, if you don't mind, where were you raised, L-33?"

He shrugged. "Do not know. Also, if L-33 chose a designation, would Thundershock like designation?"

"It depends of what you decide to name yourself . . . but you can think it over, you can decide anytime."

L-33 nodded. "Notice: Megatronus does not pay much attention to Thundershock."

She vented. "Correct. I do not know why though, I try so hard, but he seems to caught up with the future . . ."

"L-33: cares." He said, the femme Seeker looked at him and smiled.

"At least I know someones cares." It became silent, only the street noises filled the silence.

Finally Thundershock opened her mouth. "Would you like to find an alt?" She studied him. " I'd suggest an air based form." She touched his panel like servo, sliding a delicate claw down the edge, making him shiver as he watched. "With servos like these you could fly very well, also in battle they can block many blows . . ."

"Observation: noted."

She smiled but didn't look up at him, still focusing on his odd servos. He watched her silently, he strangely liked her delicate touch, she was the first to treat or touch him kindly, no one treated him like this.

"Your frame is different . . . I've never seen any like it." She murmured.

He tensed. This was the he exact reason no one was kind to him, it was because of his odd design, and he was thinking she was different.

He waited for her insult.

"I like it, it defines you."

His optics widened. "Th-thundershock likes frame?" He asked, utter astonishment evident in his normally monotone voice.

No one has ever complimented on his frame they always insulted him for it.

She nodded, looking up confused. "You would surprised."

"Confession: L-33 is."

"Why?" Her violet optics shown in the dark, illuminating her delicate faceplates as they stared curiously.

"First compliment on my design."


He nodded.

"Well, you might look a d act different but it doesn't make you different, everyone is different the ones who insulted you are idiotic fools. They obviously don't see how powerful you can be, and I already know you're intelligent."

L-33 smiled slightly as Thundershock returned to examining this frame.

She was different.

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