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Week later Thundershock P.O.V

"So this is the Arctic?" I asked as Bumblebee and I treded through the snow.

"Yep" he beeped.

I nodded and studied the white covered landscape, finding something that looked out of place. Something dark against the bright white snow. I walked over to it slowly, my scatter blaster ready to fire. As I got closer my servo fell in shock . . . it can't be . . .

I saw a limp dark form laying in the snow it was tall and skinny and there was two tentacles splayed round him and he was badly injured. Just by a glance I could tell it was Megatron's doing, but what would Soundwave do to betray him? Soundwave of all Decepticons would never betray Megatron, and he never would deserve injuries like the ones he has received. His visor was majorly cracked, his frame was covered in dents and scratches, and he had a large gash in his side like mine.

"Bumblebee." I called to the yellow mech.

"What?" He beeped, coming up beside me. "Whoa . . ."

"What should we do? He's still online."

"Leave him."

"We can't leave him! He could be a great resource for Decepticon intel." I said to him.

"Like Soundwave would give us that information."

"You never know . . . he might after what Megatron did to him" I reasoned, looking down at the smaller mech.

"How do you know?"

"It's obvious with the wounds . . . definitely if you were one to feel his fury."

"But I did." He bleeped.

"His true fury . . ." I turned around activating my comm. link, "Sonicstorm to base Sonicstorm to base."

"This is Optimus we hear you loud and clear what is it, Sonicstorm?" Optimus' voice answered.

"Bumblebee and I found something interesting . . . or someone . . ."

"Who is it, Sonicstorm?"

"It's Soundwave and he's badly injured . . . I can tell it was Megatron's doing. What are your orders?"

"Bring him back to base, Ratchet will attend to his injuries." He answered.

"Alright Optimus." I said as my below freezing signal went off.

"Finally, I was beginning to think you would never freeze" Bee chirped.

I chuckled and keeled down by Soundwave taking him by his long, agile, winged arm. "Well you should get back yours went off an hour ago. We had been patrolling the Arctic for almost three earth hours."

"What about you, Sonicstorm?"

"I'll be fine patrolling by myself for a while." I said as a groundbridge opened and I dragged Soundwave's limp frame into it. As we appeared on the other side the Autobots watched astonished at Soundwave's condition.

"Sonicstorm take him to the med-bay" Ratchet ordered, following me as I did as told.

"Optimus I'm going back there my sensors haven't gone off yet I think I am able to continue for awhile longer." I informed, putting Soundwave on a berth.

He nodded. "Alright, Sonicstorm, you have permission to continue, but for not much longer."

I nodded firmly and left though the groundbridge again.

As I scouted the area for another two hours my sensors finally went off again, but I ignored them in 'til I couldn't stand the cold weather any longer and commed Ratchet. There was was a little crackle and my systems glitched. I hit the side of my helm. "Frag."

Now how was I going to contact base? I vented. Great just great I'm stuck here in the Arctic. I'm sooo fragged. I hit the side of my helm again and it sparked and whined.

"Hello? Base come in. This is Sonicstorm if you can hear me I am in need of a groundbridge."

I hope they heard it, because my systems will shutdown soon, which will lead to stasis, then offlining. I sat down in the snow. As I sat there I heard a faint whirling, whine looking up towards the sky, I found a small drone flying overhead. Suddenly it descended closer to the ground and flew around me, then without me really noticing attaching itself to my spinal strut in between my wings.

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