20; The Decision

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[A/N- Hey everyone sorry about the wait~ Hopefully this chapter makes up for it! I'm sorry!! gomen nasai...   Anyway, on with the chapter!]

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Chapter 20- The Decision

Six Months Later


“Tsunade-sama,” a Jounin appeared in a puff of smoke in the Hokage’s office, his face covered with the mask of the ANBU, “The report from the mid-eastern provinces.”

Tsunade glanced up at him over her desk, “Proceed.”

“There have been no disturbances this week. And no activity has been reported of the Akatsuki in this area. However…”


“The village of the hidden Sand has cut off contact with us. There have been reports of suspicious behaviour; food stock being stolen around the area, and reports of starvation in the city. It is said that a new Kazekage has overthrown the previous one.”

“Are any of the other Kage’s aware of this?”

“Not at the moment, but the nearby village in the River Country is starting to worry about bandits affecting their village.”

“Have some undercover ninja infiltrate the city and find out what’s going on. Report back to me on the status in 48 hours. In these times we can’t afford to take chances.”

The ANBU nodded, “Yes, Hokage-sama.” And then he disappeared, a ball of smoke left swirling where he had been.

Tsunade sighed and put down her paperwork. She propped her elbows up on the table, interlocking her fingers and rested her chin on top.

The village of the hidden Sand, she thought. The activity in that village certainly sounded suspicious. If the Akatsuki were possibly involved, what could they be after in Sand?

The Jinchuuriki, Gaara of the Sand, was located there. Could they be linked somehow?

It had been a little over six months since Yuri was taken from Konoha. The other villagers were told that she returned to her home village.

Sasuke had turned increasingly reserved and slightly hostile since then. Every other week Tsunade heard about Kakashi breaking up another one of the fights between Sasuke and Naruto, with both of them ending up in hospital because of another spar gone too far.

Poor Sakura was left in the middle, trying to quell the anger she didn’t understand.

Tsunade thought she would have to disband the group if things didn’t get better soon. They were Chuunin now after all. They passed their Chuunin exams only a few weeks ago, so she expected better behavior.

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“Sasuke, try not rely on your Chidori so heavily,” Kakashi instructed after watching a spar between Sasuke and Naruto, “You know it consumes your chakra.”

“I know,” Sasuke answered back, breathing heavily after the intense spar.

“And Naruto,” Kakashi added, “We need to work some more on your ninjutsu. You also use too much chakra when it would be better to use a lower level jutsu.”

“Yes, Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto answered, then suddenly said, “Oh, Sakura-chan!”

Sakura came running over to the sparring area, “Did I miss the spar?”

She had promised to come and watch their spar after her medical training session with Tsunade.

After the Chunnin exams, she had decided to become a medical ninja, but still wanted to spend time with her Team 7 friends. Unfortunately she came too late and missed the spar.

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