11; Rain

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A/N- Hi readers, 

I seem to have had a new force of life with this story in particular. Maybe its because I've finally caught up with the manga? Who knows? 

Anyway, its becoming more interesting for me to write. I hope its more interesting for you to read! 


Chapter 11- Rain

Jiraiya performed a few handseals. I was unfamiliar with them. I didn’t know what he was going to do, but it looked like it meant business.

Naruto made it back to our side. Jiraiya stood calmly. Naruto growled and ran in for a punch. Then it was as if Jiraiya disappeared from in front of Naruto, and appeared behind him. Naruto stood open-mouthed, and then collapsed clutching his stomach.

“What the hell just happened?” Sasuke said quietly. I looked at his Sharingan eyes. They were wide and he looked a little pale.

“He was so fast,” Sakura whispered.

“It was like he was invisible. I didn’t see it at all,” Sasuke said incredulously.

Naruto was on the floor and gasping for breath, but he managed to get on his hands and knees. He tried to hit Jiraiya again and again but missed every time. Finally, Jiraiya delivered a swift kick to his side and Naruto went flying.

“S-Should we help him?” Sakura asked.

“No,” Kakashi said, “This is a test. We’ll have to see how he does by himself.”

“What about the rest of us?” Sakura asked.

“You and Sasuke wait there,” Kakashi answered, “And I’ll spar with Sayuri.”

As soon as my name was mentioned, I jumped out of the way. An exploding tag immediately detonated in the spot I had been standing. He was fast.

I immediately returned a couple of shuriken, but he disappeared in a puff, replaced by a log. I took the opportunity to perform some handseals and did a chakra concentration jutsu to my hands and feet. It would allow me to deliver a little bit more damage when it came to hand-to-hand combat.

My plan was not to rush into high level jutsus straight away. I was only a ‘genin’ afterall.

Kakashi came at me with blinding speed, almost as fast as Jiraiya. I made a rather reckless move and tried to predict where he would hit. I was only able to make out fragments of his body while he moved that fast. I didn’t want to use Tsuyori, as it could compromise my mission. My guess turned out to be correct, and I ended up behind Kakashi. I concentrated my chakra and threw my leg, kicking him directly in the back. He was flung forwards and rolled before jumping up on his feet.

“You’re pretty fast for a genin,” Kakashi said.

I narrowed my eyes. There it was again. Genin.

“Jealous?” I asked.

“That depends.”

I blinked and he was gone. Crap. I braced, and searched around frantically.

Must not use Tsuyori. Must not use Tsuyori, I thought. While also thinking, This would be soooooo much easier if I could use Tsuyori!!

Then bang! An impact to my side floored me hard. The world spun. I coughed painfully, and felt a warm liquid drip down on to my lip. Once I found my hands, I pushed myself up onto my knees, wiped the blood way and looked for him. I found him kneeling in front of me.

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