25; The Rise of the Elements

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Chapter 25- The Rise of the Elements

As the air crackled after the lightning bolt that was just unleashed, Rain looked westward and saw a hurricane of dark chakra hurtling towards them.

Sasuke was in full blown cursed seal mode, with dark skin and long hair, flanked by two raven coloured wings that protruded out of his back and propelled him towards Rain and his human weapon.

Sayuri was not yet at that level. Her wings were not exposed. The orb of chakra that Rain had made kept her stationary in the sky and allowed her to move, but it was not her own power.

“It looks like your opponent has arrived my love,” Rain whispered in Sayuri’s ear, “Uchiha Sasuke is here. You know what to do.”

After that Rain disappeared in a puff of smoke, just as Sasuke arrived aiming a direct kick at Sayuri’s head. The act was too fast for human eyes; when she raised her arm and blocked the attack, the combination of the speed and force sending out a gust of compressed air into the atmosphere.

“You look different,” Sasuke commented briefly before spinning to fling out his other leg at her side. But she was prepared and blocked, then immediately countered with a forward kick. Sasuke was ready, but braced for impact as it hit him in the chest with full force and he was ejected downwards out of the sky, flipping and landing on his feet heavily on the earth below.

He coughed painfully, a sliver of blood escaping his lips in the process. He realised she was as fast as him, but her physical attacks were stronger; a lot stronger. He couldn’t afford to get close again.

It bothered him that she didn’t seem to react when he came. Not because he still cared about her of course (or so he told himself), but because he wanted her to pay for what she did, and to be fully aware that he would be responsible for her destruction. He wanted the ultimate revenge.

He performed a few handseals, “Katon- Gokakyu no jutsu!”

A large fireball erupted from his lips and hurtled towards Sayuri. It was a slow jutsu compared to the speed that they could move. Sayuri dodged it easily but was instantly barraged by kunai and soon found herself bound by chakra-infused rope. At the other end of the rope was Sasuke, a malicious grin on his face as he pulled the rope. Within a matter of seconds Sayuri felt significantly weaker. The rope was absorbing her chakra and it was too strong to break with her hands.

There was no other option. She closed her eyes, digging deep within herself and feeling the curse seal pulse. Ah, there it was. The curse seal chakra.

Release,” she whispered, opening her eyes which had now changed to the colour of midnight. Her wings erupted from her back with a force that ripped the rope to shreds. The purple orb around her shattered when she released the curse seal; and her wings pulsed gently, flapping just enough to hold her in the air.

She reached around to her back, taking hold of the hilt of her sword and watched Sasuke’s face fall as it buzzed menacingly.

“Two can play that game,” Sasuke muttered as he prepared to use Chidori.

Sayuri moved quickly, intending to cut his head clean from his shoulders and was blocked by Sasuke. He had a sword of his own.  She broke away and attacked him again from the side, but he blocked with his sword and the collision caused a huge release of electricity that lit up the sky.

“What’s the matter?” Sasuke called after they separated, “You don’t want to talk to me anymore? Feeling guilty?”

Sayuri frowned, “I don’t understand. Who are you?”

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