8; Kirigakure

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Chapter 8- Kirigakure

After dinner, Kakashi came over himself and confirmed that we were leaving for the town of Takuya early Saturday morning.

“Just as a treat in celebration of how well the mission went,” he told us.

“Yeah right,” Sakura said as she closed the door after Kakashi left, “He has some ulterior motive, and it’s nothing to do with us. I bet you 1,000 Ryo that Jiraiya-san will there as well.”

Jiraiya. I had heard of him. Part of the legendary sannin.

“Jiraiya? From the legendary sannin? No way!” I said with feeling.

Sakura looked at me sidelong, “Trust me, there’s nothing to get excited about. He’s famous for his abilities but that’s about it. He’s just a perverted hermit…”

I furrowed my eyebrows, “Really? Are you sure?”

Sakura shrugged, “Well, you’ll find out tomorrow!”

The next day the journey to Kirigakure, the Hidden Mist Village began.

“So how far is the village Kakashi-sensei?” Sakura asked.

“Not too far. About a day’s walk,” came the reply.

This wasn’t too bad. Sometimes it took us a few days to reach a village for a mission.

When we eventually arrived, we found the Takuya Hot Spring Hotel almost full. In fact, there were only three rooms left so we had to pair up. Kakashi decided: Me with Sakura, Naruto with Sasuke and Kakashi by himself. Sakura talked a lot about Sasuke. And I mean, A LOT. It was really getting on my nerves. When we were unpacking she talked about what Sasuke said to her on the way here. She said he told her: ‘It’s really hot in here’ when they got in, and she thought it was an obvious signal that he liked her.

“But Sakura,” I said to her, “It really IS kinda warm here…since we’re right beside a bunch of hot springs.”

“Yes, but you didn’t see the look in his eyes! He totally likes me! He’s just shy!”

I rolled my eyes and flopped backwards onto my bed.

“Hey Sayuri, aren’t you going to unpack?” she then asked me.

The truth was I didn’t bring much. I was used to living rough.

“I’ll do it later.” I answered.

After dinner that evening, we visited the hot springs for the first time. On these rare occasions I took off my spine sheath and my sword. I stuck them under a cabinet in our room.

I was stuck with Sakura the whole time in the Female section, so I was a little frustrated that I couldn’t observe Naruto and Sasuke more closely. But then I noticed Naruto and Sasuke enter the mixed section.

That’s interesting, I thought. No doubt Naruto’s idea.

I suggested we go into the mixed area to Sakura but she made a face and declined it. As soon as we got into the girls spring however, Sakura started to make friends, and I was able to venture out of the girls spring without being noticed. I walked into the mixed area and searched for Naruto and Sasuke. There were quite a few people. I noticed Naruto’s bright yellow hair straight away, but didn’t see Sasuke. I started to walk down the stairs into the pool when I heard a voice behind me, “Surprising to see you here.” I turned around. It was Sasuke.

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