There's Something Wrong With Frankie.

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“What the?!” I rushed over to her. Placing my hand on her neck I realised she wasn't breathing. “Frankie? Can you hear me?” I panicked and fully knelt down besides her. When Frankie didn’t respond to my screams, I swiftly pulled my phone out from my pocket and dialled 911.

“Hello this is 911 what’s your emergency?” A formal woman answered.

“It’s Frankie, she’s stopped-” I rushed out my words but I couldn't bring myself to say that she'd stopped breathing or moving.

“Who’s Frankie and what has she stopped doing?” She asked me, making me feel pressurised.

“She’s my friend and she's...well...stopped moving.” The events from the last 10 minutes replayed through my mind. I questioned if what had just happened caused her to be like this.

“What exactly happened?” He again questioned me, my head started to ache in annoyance as she wasn’t helping me, instead she was  just asking me questions.

“She had an argument with her mom, and when her mom left she fainted. Frankie hasn't moved since.” I screamed, feeling anger pulse through my body.

“What's your address Mr...?" She dragged out the 'Mr' expecting me to giver her my name. Instead I just gave her my address. "Okay, I will send an ambulance out straight away Mr….” Again she dragged out 'Mr' wanting me to give her my name.

“Baker” I finally sighed and told her.

“Okay Mr Baker, an ambulance shall be with you shortly.” I hung up the phone, putting it back into my pocket trying to still comfort Frankie I hugged onto her as tightly as I could, ‘Please wake-up, please wake-up’ I whispered to myself hoping she'd hear me. I felt a tear sitting in my eye waiting to flow out. I heard sirens getting closer to my house, blue and red colors started to flash through the window. The colors and sirens soon stopped as I heard 2 doors open from the vehicle.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I tried not to care about it and be more fused on Frankie but curiosity soon took over so I carefully held onto Frankie with one arm and retrieved my phone. 

Dude, an ambulance is heading your way. What’s going on?

I looked at the sender ID and  saw it was Brian who had sent the text, considering he only lives a few doors down I assumed he saw the ambulance park up in front of my house as well.

I didn’t want to speak to Brian after what I found out he did to Frankie but I had no other choice but get his help. Matt would kill me, and everyone else lives to far away. ‘Screw it!’ I thought to myself ‘I have to talk to him sooner or later.’ I clicked the reply option and started to type my message to Brian with my one spare hand. My other arm and hand was tightly wrapped around Frankie.

Get over here now. There’s something wrong with Frankie. She’s unconscious. What the hell am I supposed to do?

I hit send the send bottom before I rested Frankie on the sofa in the living room, that's when I finally heard the doorbell ringing throughout my home.

“Mr Baker?” A man dressed in almost all white asked.

“Yeah, she’s over there.” I pointed to the couch that I had laid her on hoping they would be able to help her. I felt another vibration in my jeans again but ignored it and I saw about 4 people rush into my home and crowd around her. I then decided to pull out my phone.

WTF? I’m coming over.

I lifted my head from my phone to see Brian standing behind me in the doorway of my front door.

“What the hell, dude?!” I shouted at Brian because he'd made me jump right out of me skin. I soon felt myself calming down after a bit.

“Calm down. Where is she?” He asked. I couldn’t see his eyes through his heavily tinted black shades. But his head turned towards my living room which was easily viewable from the front door. 

“On the sofa…” I once again pointed in the direction of Frankie’s lifeless body.

I saw the same medic look up at me, he whispered something to one of his colleagues making me a little self-conscious. He suddenly stopped touching Frankie and made he way over to me and Brain.  

“Okay, it looks like we have to take her into hospital.” Silence filled the room and he said the words that I wasn’t expecting to hear. His next words cause both me and Brian stand halted with fear and shock. "...Frankie's in a coma....". Me and Brian looked at each other, our mouths hanging wide open. We both then knew that there’s something wrong with Frankie.


Dum-dum-duuuummm :) 

Hahaa, vote and comment please, I really want to know what people think about this story, and if they still like it....

This is the furthest I've written so far, so it may take longer to post each chapter because I'll be starting from scratch, because before I had written this story up to this chapter and copied and pasted it, sooo It's going to take a little longer to post chapters from now on. Sorry :(

Anyway hope you enjoyed it, I spen about an hour on it, not as long as usual but I got really disracted half way through :D  BTW tell me if I've had any mistakes, I don't tend to read through my chapters after I've written them because I actually hate this story so I don't like reading it....

<3 Franquie

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