The Move.

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I know the first chapters were a little boring, but in chapter 4 (the one after this one) it starts to get better :) 


I reached for my cell which was in the back pocket of my jeans. I had like 10trillion text messages and missed phone calls from my mom, and one from Kate. I read Kate’s message and deleted the entire lot from my mom.

Frankie, I hope everything’s alright where are you? Your mom is worried sick, me and Matt can’t stop thinking about you, please don’t run away again we all love you and want you home and safe much love and hugs Kate xxxxx

I love Kate, she’s one of the only woman I can trust and get along with. I texted her back;

Hey Kate everything’s fine, I’m going to be gone for a while don’t worry about me, tell Matt I love him and I hope his band kicks off, and tell him he’s amazing at singing I don’t want him to think otherwise, anyway do you know anyone that lives in England? Xxxxx

After an hour she called me, I was just walking around the local area listening to some of my brother’s demo songs. 

“Hello?” I asked as I answered the phone.

“Frankie, thank goodness! Where are you?”

“Promise you won’t say anything, please and I’ll tell you”

“You know you can trust me with anything” She replied with an almost whisper.

“I’m in London, England and I have nowhere to go, do you know anyone in London I can stay with?”

“WHAT?!” I heard her scream, making me move my phone away from my ear. “WHY ARE YOU THERE?!” 

“Kate stop shouting, and please just answer my question” I said getting a little annoyed.

“Alright, umm one of my cousins have a holiday house in a place called Emsworth, he’s the-”

“He? I can’t stay there, mother will actually kill me.”

“Don’t worry I won’t say anything to her, anyway he’s there at the moment and he’s flying back in a week.”

“Where did you say he lived again?”

I wrote down the address she told me “… about 70 miles away, a cab will be about £152” She said trying to not let anyone else hear.

“How do you know so much about this?”

“Because I go visit him, I love Emsworth its s-”

“Okay, well thank you I’m going to go now, bye see you soon”

“Umm alright, keep safe Frankie.”

BEEP. I hung up on her, I went back to the airport where a lot of taxi’s were there waiting for people like me to be scammed out of fare that was going to be more than usual. I told the driver the address as I jumped into the cab with my suitcase.

“Alight.” He said boringly.

So the next 90 minutes I just sat there wondering about whom this guy was. I know Kate is related to one of Matt’s band mates and I was friends with every one of them, but what if he was a horrible person and we didn’t get along?

“Here you go Miss...” He rolled his wrists as if he wanted a last name from me.

“Maden” I lied “How much is it?” I said trying to put on my best English accent.

“£152, please Miss Maden” He said kind of seductively.

“Here, see you later” I handed him the money, got my suitcase and rushed out before he tried to speak to me again. 

I ran up the stony pathway, and looked up, this house was three stories, and it was perfect. ‘Whoever lives here must as rich as the pope’ I thought.

I knocked on the door waiting for an answer, I was shaking at the thought that it might be a weirdo or some pervert.

“Hello?” The door flung open.

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