Pinkly Smooth.

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“Where the hell is she?” I heard a woman scream at the tops of her lungs.

“Get out of here?!” Brian screamed back.

“I want to see her” She shouted.

“Fine”I heard them stamping on the staircase. “Here you go.”


“She hasn’t changed a bit” I didn’t recognise her voice, and then I heard a dog barking.

“Now you’ve seen her, you can get out” Brian told this woman. I came out of my new room.

“Who’s this?” A blond woman with a Maltese in her arms said looking down at me.

“This is Frankie, my new girlfriend” Brian said winking at me so I knew to play along.

“What? This skank is your girlfriend?” She looked disgusted.

“Don’t speak to her like that, give me back Pinkly” Brian screamed at her making me flinch and look to the ground again.

“We need to talk Brian” She ignored him. He grabbed Pinkly off her and gave the dog to me. Ever since my dog, Golden, I hate dogs my mom would tell her to bite me and hurt me, so I’m so afraid of them.

Brian grabbed hold of this woman’s hair and dragged her down the stairs, she was screaming for him to let go of her, he didn’t and pushed her outside the front door.

“This is where you belong; you’re a tramp. Stay away from me, Frankie andPinkly.” Brian screamed at her before slamming and locking the front door.

I put the dog down and made my way downstairs. I saw him on the sofa crying, I went over and sat next to him, hugging him in the process;

I pray to god, he'll keep you safe under the arms of an angel, Floating through the clouds to your paradise, I'll wait for you here forever, Memories prevail as time fades from our bodies...

I sang to him before he stopped me.

“I’m sorry about that and this.” He whispered as he stopped crying.

“It’s alright, I’ve seen so many strong people cry” I lied to comfort him “It’s normal” He smiled at me and hugged me back.

“What was that song you were just singing?” He asked whipping the tears from his cheeks.

“It's not a song, I just made it up” this time I was telling the truth.

“Well that was really good, you should write for our album” Brian said getting excited.

“No, I don’t really want to get into the music business” I said pulling away from him and looking towards the ground.

“What do you want to do then?”

“I want to be a house wife, it may sound weird but I really hate work and I’m fine knowing someone loves me.”

“Awwwaren’t you sweet?” Brian said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head.“Just one more question, how old are you?”

“18, listen I going to go continue unpacking, I’ll speak to you later.” I smiled at him and ran up the stairs to my room, confused and a little scared.

I pulled out my laptop and looked for the cable in my bag, I pulled it out and realised that England has different plug sockets to America. So I just used it without the cable.

I had a message on Facebook from mom, Matt, Kate, Jimmy and Zack. Jimmy and Zack are Matt’s friends that I’ve gotten close to. All The messages read along the same lines;

Please come back we’re all missing you, and we want you back…

All except Jimmy, who wrote;

Hey babe, I want you back! If you’re doing someone right now, scream my name and make them annoyed, hhaha we should speak soon xxxxx

I replied to everyone except my mom, I told them all the same thing;

I’m fine just don’t worry about me, if I need you I’ll tell you :D xx

For the record I am a virgin, Jimmy just likes to joke with me because we used to date when we were 16.

I finished unpacking and made my way down the stairs to see Brian lying on the sofa not moving. A needle rolled off the couch onto the floor.

“Br-Brian?”I screamed starting to cry. There was no answer.

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