Police Men Are Worse Than No Men.

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Zack laid there surrounded by his own blood. Brian was still angry, but I could see in his eyes he wanted Zack to be okay.

I rushed over to the bathroom and grabbed every towel I could find in there. I rushed back to Zack and wrapped about 4 towels around his head before screaming at Brian, who was stood there staring into space.

“Are you going to help me? You’ve punched him unconscious!”

“I can’t help you.” Brian replied before leaving the room. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and dial 911.

I put my phone back in my pocket and held Zack with the towels still cushioning his head.

After about 10 minutes the police and ambulance had arrived, they preped Zack to go to hospital while the police questioned me about what happened. Brian had gone, again.

"I need to go with him" I shouted trying to get passed the two police officers that stood in front of me who wouldn't let me go pass when I saw Zack being carried off in to an ambulance in a stretcher.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to come with us, if we hear anything about you boyfriend we'll let you know." The female police officer said to me trying to keep me calm.

"He's not my..." I trailed off my sentence, still trying to get pass them. They pushed me so hard that I fell on my back; they then cuffed me and forced me into a police car.

"You need to come with us Miss. Baker" The male police officer said to me in a neutral voice, pushing me towards the car.

"He's not my boyfriend or my husband you dick!" I screamed at his face, but he just looked down and forced me into the car.

After a few hours of being questioned by a sweaty, bald and fat detective, they sent me home without a lift, because 'they are too busy to take anyone home tonight.'

So I left the station at like 1 in the morning, I can't drive yet and I haven't got the money for a taxi so I decided to walk.

After about 5 minutes of walking I knew something or someone was watching and following me. So I picked up the pace before I heard a very familiar voice scream at me.

"How's your boyfriend?" He angrily screamed. He grabbed my arms tightly. I couldn't move.

Rusted From The Rain ~Avenged Sevenfold~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora