Dean stood in the bushes outside the church, he used his binoculars to look around. So far he's only spotted a few regular Vamps, a few Hunters and the Elders, but there was no sign of Keeper, Vassago or his brothers! He was confused, Keeper had said no one; including the Elders, knew about the church, but yet they were all here together! That meant one of two things; one, the Elders had discovered Vassago's little hideout and came here looking for him. Or two, this was a trap and Keeper had lied wanting him to come here for some reason, while his brothers were being held somewhere else!

 "Any sign of them?" Paige asked quietly.

 "No." Dean answered frustrated.

 "What do we do now?"

 "I don't know." Dean replied, as he put his binoculars down and began pacing.

 "What do you mean you don't know?" Paige asked. "I thought you were this all powerful, unstoppable Vampire anti-hero?"

 "I never said that! Trust me I'm no hero, but what I' am is pissed off and that is very bad for anyone who gets in my way of saving my brothers; that includes you! Understood?" Dean said angrily, as he stopped pacing and looked at her.

 "Hey, I'm on your side remember?" Paige said, unmoved by his anger.

 "Why?" Dean asked.

 "Why what?"

 "Why help me? Humans and Vampires don't normally work together!"

 "I have my reasons, besides you aren't like other Vamps!" Paige answered. "Why do you hate your kind so much anyway?"

 "I have my reasons!" Dean said, as both smiled.

 "Look Mr. Angry Vampire, if we're going to save Seth and Roman than we need to start working together, which means we need to trust each other." Paige said sighing.

 "That could be a problem, see I don't play well with others!" Dean replied.

 "Me neither!" Paige said, both smiled again. "I, I know we could make a great team, a human and a Vamp working together! So, what do you say?" She added, holding out her hand to him.

 "I've got a good point partner!" Dean said smiling, as he shook her hand.

 As their hands touched, Dean suddenly got really dizzy again; the same way he had earlier when he had touched Dante at the Exchange. He closed his eyes tight, as images of Paige's life flashed before his eyes; like a movie on fast forward. He wasn't prepared for the impact from the emotions that came with the images and he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. The last images were of Seth and the emotions she felt for him weren't as strong, as he felt for Roman, but it was pretty damn close!

 Everything suddenly returned back to normal, as quickly as it had appeared. He opened his eyes and saw Paige was still holding his hand, looking at him with fear, confusion and concern in her eyes. He quickly pulled his hand away and began taking deep breaths, as he leaned against a tree.

 "Dean, are you okay?" She asked concerned.

 "Uh, yeah, I'm fine!" He quickly answered, so confused and shocked that he had mindlinked with her.

 "What the hell was that?"

 "Nothing, it was nothing!" He answered, realizing like Dante, Paige didn't know what happened or what he had seen and felt.

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