twenty-eight | zayadora... and maya?

Start from the beginning

geniusisadora: but you called her blonde beauty...

zayscookie: but I secretly call you "the most beautiful girl in the entire universe"

geniusisadora: awww I'm crying rn Zay 😢

zayscookie: I love you, Smackle. nothing is ever going to change that.

geniusisadora: I love you too ❤️ uh gtg now byeee


at home, in New York.

I had a great idea. He is the only guy I've ever met who would want to date a girl like me, a know-it-all, an arrogant and annoying girl.

I wanted to too, and I didn't know what I was waiting for.

So, I'm going to do it. Now.

I grabbed the handle of the bag I'd prepared long ago, then headed out of my house.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I breathed in deeply, then out again, and knocked on the door.

I heard the super familiar voice say, "I'll get it, Mum!"

After a few moments, the door swung open.

"Smackle?" Zay asked, obviously in surprise.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"What are you doing here?" He gave me a shocked expression.

"Can I... go in first?" I asked.

"Oh, right," he said sheepishly, "come on in!"

I walked in, and took everything in. Most of his furniture, including the walls, were made of wood, and the couch was one of those soft and big, brown ones.

There were many photos on the walls by the door, and I even noticed one of baby Zay.

As I walked further in, I noticed his mother standing in the kitchen.

"Mum, this is Smackle. She's a friend," Zay told his mum, scratching his head and smiling.

"Oooooh," his mother gushed.

Zay rolled his eyes and said, "We'll be upstairs!"

Then, he brought me up his staircase, which was also made of wood.

There were many inspiring quotes, pictures of his family on the walls which I noticed as I was walking up slowly.

I reached the top after a great few seconds of climbing, and entered his room.

Wow. It looked nothing like his living room. In fact, it looked exactly the opposite. The walls were painted blue, his desk was green, and so was his laptop. His bed was just a plain single bed, with lots of soft toys on them.

As I walked in, I realized that his room had something in common with the living room downstairs - the walls were filled up with pictures, and memories. I loved this idea.

"Wow, I realize you have a lot of pictures in your house hung up, huh?" I asked causally.

"Yep. We usually put up photos which mean something to us, and the adventures we've been through as a family."

"Ahh. That's when we went scuba diving for the first time." He pointed towards a picture of his scared little face, wearing the scuba diving suit.

"You must have been terrified. Look at your face!" I laughed as I continued walking along the wall.

When I'd reached the end, I noticed that the last photo was the one of us which we posted on Instagram.

"Aaand that's probably really cheesy, but you mean so much to me that I put a photo of you on my wall, too. It's my favorite among all of these," he said, smiling at me.

"Aww, Zay..." I blushed.

"Soo, why'd you come?" he asked.

"Oh, I, uh, wanted to ask if yo—" before I could finish that sentence which I had tried to remember a million times on the way here, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, uh, I'll go get it. You wait here?" He asked, before running down when I nodded.

I heard his footsteps as he ran downstairs and him opening the door.

I decided to walk out to look at the pictures along the staircase again, and heard some voices.

"Hey, Zay!" The voice was familiar. Very, very familiar. It was as if I'd just heard it a few days ago...


I turned around swiftly, and caught sight of Maya at Zay's doorstep.

I had still been holding the bag I'd brought along, and it dropped the moment I saw them.

Zay hugged Maya.


A million thoughts were running through my head, and the only thing I kept thinking about was how Zay just hugged Maya.

"Smackle! What happened?" Zay immediately turned around when there was a shattering of glass.

I then looked down to see the bag on the floor, a few pieces of glass on the floor, but thankfully the rest of them were inside the bag.

"Oh my god, Smackle?" Maya exclaimed.

I was on the verge of crying. I ran down, picked up the bag, and tried to scoop up the few pieces of glass.

"Uh, I'm sorry— um, I'll get out no— ow!" I had poked myself by accident with the glass piece, and blood was flowing out.

"Smackle! Are you okay?" Zay asked in concern as he ran over to me and kneeled down beside me.

I picked up the bag. I had to get out before they see me cry.

"Ye— yeah. Fine. Gotta go. Have fun, bye."

And then I left the house, crying and then wiping my tears away as I ran back home, ignoring Zay who was calling my name as he ran behind me, and then I shut the door on him when he reached my doorstep.


hi again!!!! okay so this chapter was literally all zayadora and I obviously couldn't let them happen just like that amiright 😚😚 more drama in the next chapter :> ALSO WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 3K VIEWS I LOVE YALL THANK YOU FOR READING MY BOOK!!! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE SO I CAN LEARN HOW TO IMPROVE AND ALSO TELL ME IF YOUVE BEEN READING THIS WHENEVER I UPDATEEE


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