;request for -blackhoney- vol.1

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so this was a request from @-blackhoney-!and im gonna put you but when they say the name im gonna put her name so just pretend that's your name if,only if you want :))


it was spring break so you decided to spend it with your favorite cousin,tez mengestu(aka,my boyfriend).your plane was about to land and tez and his two friends were coming to pick you up from the airport.you didn't know these friends too well though.but hey,any friend of tez was a friend of yours

once your plane landed you went to baggage claim to get your luggage.you went outside of the airport and texted tez to see where he was.he replied within seconds saying he was already inside the building.you rolled your eyes and went back inside.you decided to call his annoying ass.

he picked up on the second ring,"what?"he answered."nigga idk who your talking to,where are you?"you replied."where are you?"he asked."baggage claim"."alright im coming" he hung up before you could respond

you sighed and waiting for him to come.about 5 minutes later you heard someone calling your name."an'drea ma'kyla levine!"someone shouted from behind you.'who in the fuck is out here using my government name?'you thought as you turned around. it waz tez with open arms.you smiled widely and ran into his arms hugging him tightly.

you pulled away after a while,"how your ugly ass been?"you asked laughing."pretty good man,what about you?"he asked.you shook your head,"stressful,but that's why i'm here"

you were too busy chatting with tez that you didn't even notice his friends.not to mention,one of them were staring you down."dude you lip is going to start bleeding if you bite it any harder"nate started laughing.derek sucked his teeth and playfully pushed nate,"shut the fuck up nate"

you heard the laughter and turned your head to see both nate and derek.tez followed your gaze and saw what you were looking at,"oh an'drea this is derek and nate,two of my closest friends here".you waved happily,"nice to meet you both".nate scoffed,"tez cut it out with that shit,you can call me skate,not nate"

"so who gets to call you nate?"you asked."my family and my girlfriend,ana"(BC BITCH THEY ARE FUCKING CUTE)."wow i thought we were family,i see how it is nathan"tez said wiping fake tears.nate playfully rolled his eyes and bro hugged tez.tez hugged back.you took that time to look at derek and once again,he was staring at you."you okay?"you asked concerned since he was didn't move at all,lmfao looked like he was doing the mannequin challenge.his snapped up and your eyes connected,"um yeah you're just very beautiful"

your cheeks immediately flushed and you looked down at you shoes.(wait it is visible when black people blush?if it's not,just use your imagination)."thanks" you said finally looking up to see derek only a few inches away from your face.you breath hitched."you have nice eyes"he complemented you again on your looks.you were about to speak when you were cut off by tez."alright you two let's go"tez said separating the two of you.you nodded and went to grab your suitcases when derek stopped you,"i got it mami"he said grabbing the two bags.you smiled slightly at the nickname and walked with him as you walked with him to the car."so do you know what you want to do on your first day here?"he asked you.you thought for a moment,"oh uhh i don't know,i haven't thought about that"."how about we go to the mall,would be a great way to get to know each other since you'll be spending 3 weeks with us"he suggested.you smiled and nodded."ayo tez,mall day?"

"sure,but let's drop her stuff off at the house before going"tez said as you all reached the car.nate popped the trunk and derek put your suitcases in there.you got in the back with derek while nate and tez were in the front.

while waiting to arrive at your destination,you decided to call your parents,telling them that you landed safely.

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