;well damn

665 18 1

im late on this but damn

um Ariel just bringing shit up from the past and it's annoying af

she dead need to calm down

I understand where's she's coming from but do we really have to start up the new year with this shit?

yes,i have went through a time where I thought I liked the same sex and Nash did bring me down

but I'm not going to remind him every fucking day,especially when that shit was in 2014 being that it's 2016 now

Sammy,daddy,alright sit down

slay tbh but he didn't really have to get involved

I know he was just trying to support his friend

I don't support homophobic people because the ignorant but I'm pretty Nash is over that shit

my guy friend calls Nash a homophobic loser

I'm just over all this shit

if Nash is still homophobic and we can't change that then let him be,I just won't support him for that reason.i always love him

but yea tell me your thoughts on the whole situation

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