"Good morning everyon-" Colby interrupts me.

"Well actually it's 11:30, but carry on." He smiles innocently to the camera.

"Oh shut up, but today we are going to- actually where are we going?" I ask.

"We are going to my favorite restaurant, tender greens!! I know how much you like eating healthy, so I know will love this place!"

"Yeah, what he said, so we are gonna eat then go do some stuff and I will update you then!" I smile and as I was about to turn off the camera I feel Colby's hand on mine. I turn my camera towards our hands.

"Um.. can I help you?" I giggle.

"No. I like my hand here." I laugh and shut off the camera. We pull up to this large building. We get out of the car and I put my camera in my small purse. He rushes up to the door and opens it for me, i nod at him and walk through the door. he cones up and walks next to me, i slip my hand into his. he smiles at my gesture and we walk into line, we get our food. Colby gets a chipotle steak and salad and i get a chicken caesar salad. we make our way out of line and to a small table by the window.

" i hope you like it."  he states, with a large grin spread across his face.

"it looks delicious."

"trust me, it is." he winks taking out his vlog camera and turns it on, "so, I'm at tender greens and this is my beautiful date." he faces it at me and i smile widely.

"Brennen don't get too jealous!" i say, colby laughs behind the camera. he turns it off and sets if down next to him. i pick up my fork and take a bite. damn, colby was right, this place is good. we  continue to eat as we sit in a comfortable silence. 

"Did you bring your photography camera?" he questions, his mouth full of food.

"yeah, you told me too. why?"

"because we are going somewhere after this." he winks.

"ooo! tell me tell me! where?"

"you have to wait and see, doll face."

"you're mean." i lean back in my chair.

"yours so cute when you're mad." i scrunch my nose and we finish eating. we get up from the table and Colby pays at the front, even though i said i would pay.  we exit the building  and make our way back to the car. we get in and he drives off.

{arriving 12:23} IM TOO LAZY

We arrive at, what i assume is a park. it was filled with tall trees and lots of open land. we get out of the car and i grab my camera. colby grabs my hand we walk out of the small parking lot. we continue to walk on this wide, dirt path. as the trees start o clear i could see a small playground and i small hut with bikes.

"so, what are we doing here?"

"you will see." is all he says as we make our way to the small hut. he looses his grip on my hand we walks up to the man and pays for two bikes. he unchains them and roll-on to me, i put my camera in my bag and hop on the bike. colby gets on his and starts to ride down the trail.

"wait!" i laugh as i start to petal.

"you're gonna have to keep up, sweetheart! or you're gonna get left behind!" he yells, i start to petal faster until i match his speed.

"race ya!" i give him a cheesy smile.

"you're on!" he yells, i start to speed up and down a small trail, we laugh race each other don the trail.

Just imagine a really cute scene here of them riding around in a wooded forest and down trails and stuff, also don't forget the cute/cheesy music.

i spot a bench by a big lake and decide to stop and sit. i brake on the bike and hop off, kicking the kick stand up. colby soon comes and stops next to me.

"i beat you!" i say looking up at him.

"harhar." he laughs sarcastically. he sits down on the old, wooden bench and looks out onto the lake. i sit down next to him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"ya know, there isn't much forest in LA, but what we do have, its really beautiful." i nod at his comment."

"i had you bring your camera tncse there was a good photo-op."

"well, i know i good one." i take out my camera and face it towards us, i kiss his cheek. the camera flashes as i take the picture, i turn it around and look at the picture.

"i love it," colby states, he kisses my temple. i blush and get up from the bench and i take a few  more aesthetic pictures. we soon get back on our bikes and ride back to the top.

DISCLAIMER: i have never been to tender greens and I'm going by colby and brennens vlogs, also the park in this chapter is Griffith park because it is the most wooded park in LA

ALSO I KNOW THIS HAS LOST OF TYPOS BUT IM TO LAZY TO CHECK AND FIX THEM HAHA hope you liked it and remember to vote, comment and share

i love you guys so much


Behind the camera // Colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now