7. The Plan

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Samantha Eden

After a long afternoon with the girls I finally get to my Edgehill Heights home, our bright orange house has faded from the sun and I am glad it did, it was too bright, the garage light flicks on with our movement, it is just Denise and I, we are the closest in our group since she lives around the corner and I've known her for years.

Denise is 18 also, a few weeks older than I am, she is my other half, her slim build is toned and tight, and not from exercise she is lazy as fuck, her body just happened like one moment she was a little chubby then one day bam! She has long tight legs and a firm ass, she is elegant but I couldn't tell her that too often, her ego is out of this world, we complement each other, she is boy crazed and I am not, very few males interest me and if they do they are always taken. I get accused of "stealing" boyfriends but how is it stealing if they tell me they are single, Ugh I hate males.

She helps me with my bags and my mother meets us by the door,

"Hey Janet!" Denise says knowing my mother hates being addressed by her first name,

"Hello Denise" my mother slowly says, "what did you do while we were gone?"

"PARTYYYY" she shouts stunning my mother as she grabs her chest lightly at her outburst,

"Expected" she spits out loud enough for Denise to hear, she doesn't care, their love-hate relationship adds a little joy to my life. Denise makes her way back to the car,

"Sam! Be ready by 11 I'm coming to pick you up"

"Where we going?" As I distinctly remember we have orientation for university at 9 am, so the times aren't adding up,

"Beach!" She says slamming the door and heading up the road.

I open the groupchat where Nicole and Ayesha are talking waiting for us to get home,

Big Daddy Nic😋: Where them at? The way Denise drives they should be home

Aye😝: You don't think....

Big Daddy Nic😋: No dammit they're fine

Sam😈😻: I'm home

Daddy Denis🍆🍆: I bout hay

I hate my friends, they all changed their contact names and I left them, you should see me explaining why "Daddy Denis🍆🍆" was calling me to my mother.

Sam😈😻: So what's this about the beach, don't we have orientation?

Big Daddy Nic😋:And? Everyone on Twitter said it was pointless

Daddy Denis🍆🍆: Yea and besides you were gone all summer and don't wanna go out with us?

Big Daddy Nic😋: Better get your ass up and be ready when Denis gets there

Aye😝: I'm bringing Tre with me

Big Daddy Nic😋: Bitch! you int! tired of wanna sucking face

As they argue I go on Twitter and they aren't lying no one is going to orientation, I just need to convince my mother that I don't have to go. She is in her bedroom fixing her schedule,

"Mummy so can I go to the beach with the girls?" I ask crawling into bed next to her,

"Don't you have orientation?" She says without looking up as she rummages through papers

"Yea but I heard you just go and sit doing nothing and I really missed them I'll go to everything else just pleaseeeeee" I say dropping my head on her pile of papers looking her in the eye upside-down,

"Fine go but you'll go to everything else"

I jump out of her bed before she could reconsider,

Sam😈😻: I'm in

I roll into bed, I still have on the pair of socks he gave me, I peel them off slowly, the gesture of him taking care of me while I slept was sweet but his attitude was shitty so arrogant, he probably had a girlfriend back home and was ready to cheat on her the first chance he got, ell it wasn't going to be with me! I thought holding those socks up,


"Coming!" I rush back to her bedroom,

"Guess who I had the pleasure of sitting next to"

"Uhhh who?"

"That boy's mother"

"What did you say?" I know my mother well enough to know she went back there acting high and mighty,

"Just something about how people raised their children, so I got to describing him and it turns out he's her son, that flight couldn't go any faster"

I shake my head, "that boy and his mother are no good" You could say that again, but he is so fine.

I go back to my bedroom and drop into the bed, I slowly drift to sleep with images of Troy in my head.


Troy Stevens

My first night sleeping in Barbados is unsettling, I keep tossing and turning, and then I am so hot. I lay in bed in just a boxer and I am sweating uncontrollably and the mosquitoes are waiting for me to go to sleep just to get a taste of me. I get up and go down stairs, maybe downstairs is cooler. I go to the fridge and grab a drink before going into the living room, I look around. This is the first time I explore the house since we got here.

I take a sip of my sprite,

"Hello Troy." A voice in the dark says, I look around trying to find the origin of this voice, "Over here" the voice says and I find where it is coming from, it's my grandfather. Sitting in the corner of the room next to an empty lazy boy, and him in his own. In the mist of the dark, I see him point to a loveseat across from him and I sit.

"How you Troy? Since we didn't get to talk earlier" he says, a little flicker of light reflexes off of his glasses from a passing car,

"I'm ok" I say quickly, at the slightly weird atmosphere,

"That's nice, that's nice" and then silence, I sit awkwardly with my drink, facing the man who once raised me, but I didn't know anything about him now.

He stands, before turning to walk out of my sight, "Well good night Troy, we'll talk in the morning. Good night Angie" he says rubbing the arm of the empty chair before leaving. My family has lost so much, my grandfather lost the love of his life and so did my mother, no wonder I lost mine.


Samantha Eden

Minutes before 11 when a pounding sound knocks me from my dreams, I make my way to the door to find Denise ready for the beach,

"Go change! You int even bathing"

I can't believe her, she wouldn't let me shower, she is literally standing and watching me change.

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