Ch 1- Durch den Monsun (Through the Monsoon)

Start from the beginning

​A familiar pulse arose into the air, rumbling throughout the ground shakily.

​"O-my-god," shrieked Adileigh, accenting every word, breaking the phrase.

​My eyes followed hers, overseas of heads, blocking out every sound except the shrill within the speakers. A dull beat of sadness filled my ears. Dragging my eyes from the hypnotizing speakers, they latched to fascinating eyes swirling in passion. Desperate words hung in the air from a song I only recognized by Adileigh's obsession with a band I once met.

​Though the distance spanned between us and the surrounded stage, those eyes glowed unmistakable golden.

​Again, grabbing my wrist in an unbreakable grasp, Adileigh barged through the crowd. We stumbled under people, around people and literally through them.

​The chorus rang out just as we reached the edge of the stage. With the cry of all the other girls singing along, he held my gaze. "Please don't jump. Don't jump." His voice soft whispering words no one should have to sing, yet trying to save a life. "And if I can't hold you back, I'll jump for you." Without dropping my eyes, his last words came in an airy breath. Recognition flickered against his eyes, but before I noticed anything else, I broke from the trance.

​Just as Tokio Hotel revved up another beat, Adileigh whispered inaudible words, her breath scraped across my ear.

​"This goes out to Sephora," Bill announced before catching the lyrics to the ending intro. I stood paralyzed, unsure if the words processed correctly. Foggy vision collided with confused thoughts.

​"As in you?" asked Adileigh.

​"How many other Sephoras do you know?" I replied with clear sarcasm overriding the music.

​"B-but h-how do they know you?" with a stutter evident, I undeniably sensed confusion.


​She swiped a blonde streak of hair from her eyes behind her ear, pouting. With her bottom lip pushed out, I wish I could laugh at these moments. Yet my seriousness took over. There was no way I could avoid explaining but I wasn't going to crack now.

​"Like I said, 'Later'," I repeated as she swung her head to another direction, away from me.

​Bringing my focus around to the stage, the song ended on a high note. Applause erupted through the crowd as did cheers. "Thank you so much. Spread the word of us."

​Of course autographs came and went throughout the line and yet here I stand cemented in this place rolling through motions of walking few short feet at a time. "You realize we've been standing, waiting, for this autograph for forever?" I groaned. My feet felt imprinted into the ground beneath me. "And you don't have your autograph book. Can we please go?"

​"As you might as well know, I always carry my autograph book. You never know when you'll run into someone famous. And no, we aren't leaving until I find out how Tokio Hotel knows you."

​"So you're saying that if I-" A squeal of excitement left Adileigh's lips.

​"O my god, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you." A giggle escaped her lips.

​"I'm sure they've heard that to many times to count," I remarked, "Just get your book signed so we can leave."

​"Before I hand over my precious notebook of autographs, I have one question."

​"Ok." His accent soaked the word, yet I could tell Bill definitely learned a great deal more of English than our first meeting.

​"So, um, how do you know Sephora?" It may have been a simple question, but all the guys expressions turned from relaxed to a puzzlement daze, except Bill, who held composure.

​"Sephora?" Tom asked, double taking, eyes grazing my body, "You mean from three years ago?" As if drawing a memory from a file cabinet, his eyes blanketed with frost for a second before returning to face his brother. With a nod from Bill, he smiled.

​"This day exactly, if I remember correctly," replied a skeptical Bill.

​"What's taking so long?" a girl shouted behind us. Anxious teens shoved their way along the line without the patience to wait. Patience was undoubtedly a virtue and sadly few had it, especially out of this bunch.

​"Look, I don't want to cause any more trouble for you," I gestured behind me. "We'll be going." I didn't give Adileigh much of a choice as I was her ride, stalking away. "And I'm leaving now." Throwing a glance from my shoulder, Bill closed the notebook sliding it across the table.

​A chill invaded the car as the door opened. "Care to explain," an icy tone broke the wind.




I've gotten around to uploading. Yay for me!! I hope you enjoyed reading because it felt as if this chapter wrote itself after I began the idea. I've already bean writing another chapter but don't think I've abandoned my other stories, I just have a good start on this sp I'm following the flow of ideas.

There are no translations within this chapter... I don't know what to say... Happy reading :)

-Midnightriter <3

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