Chapter 36

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I felt everyone looking at me in horror , they wanted to have their say in what they thought but with the look I was giving them they knew where they stood, "Katniss I think you should sit down and have some rest you are exhausted" the doctor said looking concerningly. "No I'm fine I just need to set a plan out and I need to talk to peeta ALONE if that's ok?" I said in almost a angry voice. Everybody silently moved to the door and exited including the doctors leaving me peeta and the two baby's . I saw my mom suddenly leaving but I shouted to her "mom please take the baby's i don't want them in here having this sort of stress " my mother looked at me and simply nodded with a half smile on her face . She carried them ever so gently one in each arm and slowly and steadily walking out the room . Peeta looked at me and put his hands on my shoulders and as he did I sighed gently he whispered in my ear " I know your stressed baby. Just I can't have you go kill snow , he will kill you and if not him, his peacekeepers will, and I can't have that . I can't live without you . Think about your children katniss . They will grow up to have no mother . Do you understand me this is serious " he gave me a stern look but he broke through and almost looked like he was going to break down. I didn't know how I felt. It was a point between anger and sadness but at the same timeI had to stick to my word. I could feel my blood boil. "Peeta you don't understand what they did to my sister has impacted on me. On my life. I could never forgive or forget about what happened that day when my baby sister died. This is what's going to happen – "Peeta interrupted me and said "no I won't let you do this please" I was so close to tears. "Here's what's going to happen okay? You're going to take Jay and katherine to that nearby village and you're going to look after them, guard them with your life. I'm going to kill snow. I'm going to get into the capital,set up an army and be unseen by the peacekeepers" Peeta just nodded and at first I thought he was going to leave but instead he leaned in and kissed my forehead then his hand Slowly traced down to the corner of my lips and kissed me passionately, this time there was something that was drawing us deeper this time . I felt his hands caress my back then slowly round my stomach.both his hands went down my thighs as I was sat down on the hospital bed. And started to travel upwards . I winced because I was still in pain from childbirth .Peeta saw that it hurt me. Slightly and pulled away leaving me breathless. "What's wrong? Are you still in pain. I'm sorry honey"I look into his eyes and smile gently "I'm sorry maybe another time when I'm well, but right now I need to prepare and plan for what is gonna happen in the next few weeks.. Remember just remember, I will always love you " peeta kissed my forehead and said" I love you too"

(ON HOLD) If Katniss's pregnancy was real in the quarter quell and in mockingjayWhere stories live. Discover now