Chapter 13

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Me and Peeta sat on the beech for 3 hours just grieving for our dead child. Peeta was hugging me as I was sat there in shock I didn't say anything but just cried and so did he. Peeta was a father for less than a month and that was his one and only child , he's never gonna have the opportunity to have another child again, well not with me anyway if he did win the games. I saw him at the corner of my eye trying not to cry. "Hey baby it's okay to cry, we've all cried" I said
Through my tears. In response he hugged me tighter, kissed me on the cheek  and sobbed in my hair. 20 minutes later:
3 tributes were on the beech shouting out finnicks name. Me and Peeta shot up from the spot we had been for 3 hours and Peeta who was protective As always stood in front of me separating me from the other tributes. I recognised them from the training centre , yes, that was right johanna, wiress and beete.i grabbed my bow for a defence incase they decided to shoot first but they didn't they just looked at me in shock. I didn't know why they were looking at me like that until their  eyes travelled down me and to the soaked up blood patch on the sand. They knew I had lost my little baby. My little blip. I soon started to well up with tears making my sight go blurry . Johanna was the first to come up to me. "Katniss, Peeta I'm so sorry" she said sympathetically. I just nodded. Peeta could see I was hurt so he rubbed my back for comfort . Beete and wiress stood in silence until the tree struck with lightning causing us all to jump. "Come on we need to move" finnick shouted to all of us. " I have a plan " I heard betee say. " I have a plan" he repeated again. We settled ourselves under a big tree all of us gathered round beete. " so what's your big plan?" Said Peeta curiously . " I have this wire that I got from the cornocopia, if we get to the Lightning tree and wrap the wire round it and lead it onto the beach and into the water where the damp sand is , it will electrocute any tributes who are on the beach or in the water" beete explained. "Well it's worth a try" I said , " if anything does go wrong , it wouldn't matter anyway " Peeta backed up my sentence .

(ON HOLD) If Katniss's pregnancy was real in the quarter quell and in mockingjayWhere stories live. Discover now