Chapter 29

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The rest of the week had been as pathetic as the other days, no matter what he did, Frank was always brought back to Gerard, and he'd came to the conclusion that his life was really boring and pointless without someone to share it with, he wasn't the sappy kind of guy and had always believe that being alone was great, and that he liked to be alone, that he was free and that he could do whatever he wanted, but that was until he experienced having a friend, having someone like Gerard. All the little moment that he'd shared with him were still vivid in his memory, and he couldn't deny that sharing time with Gerard was ten times better than spending it on his own. Even if they weren't doing anything special, Gerard made it special, and every single second on his company had been great, with him, Frank felt alive, and above all, he had a reason to stay, a reason to wake up and to wait the next day with impatience. But he should have know that it couldn't work, he had to move on, because Gerard was bad for him, he made such a mess of Frank and now he was in so much pain, he didn't want to see him anymore. It was the better thing to do

Now, Frank wasn't waiting the next day at all, he wasn't sleeping at night, because he knew that if he fell asleep, then when he would wake up, it would be another day, another same, long, boring day on his own. So he kept pushing the time to go to bed, of course, while smoking or being drunk as it seems it was the only thing he was able to do, the only thing he could do

When Bob had call him at 8pm, Frank didn't responded, but at the fifth time, he gave up and finally picked up the phone

"What?" he asked dryly

"C'mon man, it's been weeks that you'd been ignoring me, I know that you feel like shit and stuff, but you need to get out of your fucking room, I bet you look as pale as a ghost, fuck, when was the last time you even left your house ?"

"I don't feel like going out."

Bob sighed "Look, I get it, you hate everything and everyone and everything is shitty and pointless, ok. But you're gonna move your ass and go with me at this party tonight, it's gonna be fun, and you really need it."

"Hell no. There's no way i'm going." Frank laughed, then he hung up

He knew he was a jerk sometimes, and that Bob was only trying to help, but he just wasn't in the mood for that


About  three hours later, Linda knocked on Frank's door 

"Frank, open the door, there's someone here for you"

The teenager didn't want to move, but he knew his mum. She was gonna wait behind the door and knock until Frank finally opened it. So he sighed and got out of his bed to open the door.

Bob was being his mom. Frank rolled his eyes and thew up his arms in the air 

"What are you doing here? I told you I wasn't gonna go with you, are you deaf or just a fucking idiot?"

"Frank." Linda frowned

Bob enter his room without permission and thanked Linda, Frank closed the door and crossed his arm as he watched Bob sit on his desk chair and play with his stuff

"For the second time, what are you doing here? If you came to make me change my mind, you're just losing your time so you should go home." 

Bob started to talk as if he didn't hear him "It's at Hanna's house, you know, the chick that you liked, you could maybe try something with her, I heard that she just broke up with her boyfriend"

Frank bit his lips, he didn't give a fuck about this girl, and he wasn't in the mood to "try" anything with anyone, especially a girl... He looked at Bob, he waited a few seconds, then, he simply replied

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