Aalia, about her she is doing fashion designing and she is enjoying a bit..she choose this course cause according to her no fashion was up to her taste so she decided to learn and design it for herself. She is fashion freak guys.

Lastly about Snehlata...well she is in asylum now. She was proven psycho after her numerous attempt to separate us but every time she failed.
But few years earlier she even said that she was pregnant with Manik's child...that was the limit when crossed.
Well now we are in peace without any villain in our life.

The while ride was silent none of us spoke a word my lips showed a smile remembering about happy life when car come to an stop.

"We are here".... He said looking at me.

"Ahh already"....

"Yes ma'am you were so busy in daydreaming".... He said flicking my forehead.

"Aauch".....I whined while rubbing my forehead.

"Let's go inside".... He tucked his tongue at me before exiting the car.

I followed him getting out recalling the scene when I broke his car at the same spot...I couldn't help but smile at that.

We both walked in together inside his house then to his room...his room was same as before dark.

I walked up to his study table where I got that sheet in which it was written I love you Nandini..

"What are you thinking?"... He asked standing right behind me.

"Time when I found out about your feeling".... I said.

"You know why I threw that paper away?".... He asked placing his chin on my right shoulder while his hand found my waist.

"Why?"....I asked softly.

"Cause I wanted to see your expression when I tell you about my feeling...how your face turn crimson... I wanted to admire that beauty"..... He said planting a kiss on my cheek.

While my heart had started racing now... It has been so long since we are together but every time he does such things my heart couldn't handle...its different with him...completely.

"Just the way you are blushing now".... He said smiling a bit then making me turn to face him.

"Manik".... I said slightly hitting chest.

"You are so naughty and naughty girls need a punishment".... He said while smirking and lifting me up in a bridal style.

"What are you doing...put me down".... I demanded continuously hitting him.

He didn't listen to me instead he thew me on the bed. I quickly sat feeling nervous a bit cause looking into his eyes it showed some lust mixed with pure love.

"Look what you did to me"..... He said pointing at his pants.

My crimson cheeks turned more red when I noticed his bulge. I dont know first time when it happened I found it funny but now it shivers me.

I couldn't say a think but eyed him suspiciously...literally asking how did I do this.

"Dont look at me like that commoner...I won't be able to control myself".... He sounded impatient.

DARK LOVE ( Obsession) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now