The Endless Cycle of Waiting

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January 26th, 1995.

Mark sighed. He hated the time it was time to renew a contract. It was a long hour with a boring person. Trust me, it sucks. Vince had directed him towards an office and he knocked and went inside.

He didn't know who was more surprised. The person inside the office or him. It was Stephanie.

"Um...Hi..." Steph said.

"Hi..." Mark replied.

"You need that renewed...Don't you?" Steph asked.


Steph was sort of pink in the face as Mark handed her the documents and their hands brushed against one another. Which didn't help Steph any.

"So, how are you?" Mark asked.

"Good. You?" Steph replied, starting work on the documents.

"I'll do better once my place in the company is secure again." Mark answered.

Steph laughed and stopped working to laugh. Mark smiled, damn, she was adorable.
"Are you always this charming, or is it just me?" Steph asked.

"It might just be you." Mark replied.

Steph's eyes sparkled as she looked at him. "Really now?"

Mark didn't realize what he was doing until he was close to her face. "Do you need any further examples?"

Steph smirked and leaned closer. "No. My voice in my head wouldn't approve."

Mark sat down and Steph finished up. "Well, that was the only one my Dad had me clocked for. But it's supposed to be an hour, correct?" Steph asked.

"Yes. How will we kill the time?" Mark said.

"I suppose you could tell me a little more about yourself." Steph said.

She had a look in her eyes, she wanted trouble.

"That information is need-to-know." Mark retorted.

Steph looked offended. "Not even for a pretty girl like myself? There is a line forming, you might want to step in before you lose your chance."

Mark smiled. "Really now? How many?"

"Too many," she made a disgusted noise, "I am not a prize to be won."

"You're right. You aren't. You're, your own woman, and you make your own decisions. If you want my honest opinion, it must've sucked to be born into a family where standards are high." Mark said.

Steph's facade faded, she turned off business mode and nodded. "At least you had a choice to come here. Don't get me wrong, I love working for this company, and I love my Dad even more, but it's overwhelming."

"Want to know a secret?" Mark asked.

"What secret would that be?" Steph answered.

Mark leaned closer to the desk and Steph followed suit.

"Sometimes, I just cannot stand your Dad."

* * *

Present Day.

Steph snorted as she recalled this conversation. They were watching "Lover Come Back" and she was barely paying attention to it. She wanted Mark to be back, she knew her "family" was around her, but she didn't feel safe. She felt like something was going to happen. But what? And how soon would it be before a legal battle broke out?


Lover Come Back is a cool movie, but what the heck was I thinking? Well, I guess if that was the only thing on.

I just had a couple of cookies and the sugar rush is hitting hard. Why do I think now is a good time to write a vampire chapter? Also, we might get another chapter of this, later, but for right now, I'm run dry of ideas.


edit: twenty minutes later: I KEEP FORGETTING TO ADD THIS STINKIN' SONG! DAMN! 

Also, between this and Septiplier, I got inspired for another chapter. 

*Insert annoyed face here* 

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