WWF Champion

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August 15th, 2004.

Steph sat and watched the match between Matt Hardy and the Undertaker. They were fighting for the WWF Championship and it was brutal. Stevie sat next to her with wide eyes. Selena was there muttering things under her breath, cheering for Hardy.

"Why you cheeeeeri-ng, Mutt Hurdy?" Stevie asked.

Selena looked down at the little strawberry blonde three year old, her green eyes looked accusing and she laughed.

"Your Mom's cheering for your dad, it has to be even." Selena laughed.

"Oh." Stevie replied.

Steph smiled, she rubbed her six month pregnant stomach and watched the final moments of the match. JR and King, along with Cole were barking out what was happening rapid fire.

"This is one of the biggest matches for the Undertaker, The Hardy's and Lita have been causing the most chaos, we've seen since the Ministry of Darkness, folks!" JR bellowed.

"Undertaker's mental state hasn't been the best as of recent as well, JR. He almost caused the death of their second child last week." King added.

"That was a hard blow for Stephanie to take, I think there is a rift between those two, that they don't want anyone else to see." Cole mentioned.


"B-ut, Mama, Daddy friends." Stevie interrupted.

"It's a story, baby, it isn't real. It's for the people in the arena." Steph replied.

"But arena is real." Stevie responded.

With that finished "sentence", Stevie yawned and Steph picked her up. "You want to go back to our room now, Stevie?" she asked.

"I wana swee, Daddy." Stevie replied.

"Alright, we can wait for your father." Steph said, holding her close.

"Damn it, Hardy! Pin him already! He's down!" Selena snapped.

Steph cleared her throat loudly and Selena's face turned a little pink. "Sorry, Steph, I'm not used to having the kid here."

Stevie tried to process the word that Selena had said, as she tried to pronounce it.

"Stevie, if you repeat that, your dad isn't going to be too happy with you." Steph warned her.

And he isn't going to be happy with Selena either. Steph mentally added.

Just then, the Undertaker pinned Matt Hardy and won the WWF championship.

"Matt! Seriously man! You are seriously not worth the trouble writing your character!" Selena yelled.

Stevie let out a loud giggle at this and Selena leaned down. "You think I'm so funny, don't you?"

She wasn't threatening. She was playing.

"Yes." Stevie replied.

Selena just rolled her eyes and they waited for Mark to return.

"So when's your wedding date, Selena?" Steph asked.

"Not until next year, we decided June." Selena replied.

"That's a nice month. And don't forget to tell us when, so we can book around it to attend." Steph said.

"You'd do that for me?" Selena asked.

"Why not?" Steph answered.

"You two treat me much too well." Selena said, she was fairly surprised and she looked happy.

"Well, we've seen a lotta crap go down together." Steph replied.

Mark walked into the room followed by Paul Bearer, who asked Selena to help out with some equipment. She left and the growing family was left alone. Steph noticed Stevie was staring intently at the championship belt.

"Pretty, can I touch?" Stevie asked.

"Well, hold on." Mark replied.

He sat down next to Stevie on the couch and picked her up, holding her on his lap, and laying the belt across her lap.

"Pretty." Was all Stevie could manage.

"Put it on, Stevie, see if it fits." Steph encouraged.

Stevie jumped down and tried to figure out how exactly to do what her mother wanted her to do.

"Does the strap even tighten that much?" Mark asked Steph quietly.
"We'll find out." Steph answered.

"It don't work." Stevie said, holding the belt towards her mother.

"Here." Steph replied.

She gently took the belt from Stevie and held it to her waist, she had her daughter turn around and she fitted the belt, it barely was hanging on, and it weighed more than Stevie did. Finally she got it to stay in place.

"Look at you, Stevie, your World Heavyweight Champion." Mark said.

"I big deal?" Stevie asks.

"You're a big deal all right." Mark replied.

Stevie smiled and laughed, spinning around with the belt. She kept spinning until she was dizzy and she landed on her rear end.

"Damn!" Stevie exclaimed.

Mark looked in her direction and said sternly: "Stevie Nicks."

Stevie turned her bright green gaze on her father. "What."

"That's a bad word, you can't say that." Mark said.

Stevie bowed her head. "Sorry, papa."

Steph was questioned if she'd said that earlier in the night and Steph told her what happened.

"...You mean the world to that little girl, I don't think she'll say anything like that for a long time." Steph finished.

"She'd better not. Or she's not coming to the arenas until she's older." Mark replied.


With that, Smackdown! ended and Stevie learnt her first curse word.


I can't take the cuteness of Stevie. She can't even speak correctly yet. ^_^

(Stevie's hair color. .)


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